Cultural Names When Europeans came to North America, they gave names to the different peoples they met Pg. 5- Origins of the First people- Create a chart listing 10 (cultural names, European name and What the Cultural name means) 1) Why would Aboriginal Peoples prefer to be called by their own names rather than by the names given to them by Europeans? 2) Who first applied the origin of the term “Indian” and who first applied it to First Nations? Ex. Anishnaabe- 3rd one down- Europeans said the name means First man lowered or Original People but to the aboriginals it means first man who was lowered from the sky, or original man but has been changed by the Europeans. Using Aboriginals own names demonstrates respect for their traditions, culture, and heritage Christopher Columbus first used the term to describe the Caribbean people he met in 1492. At the time he believed that he had reached India and that the people he met were Indians. The term was used incorrectly for hundred of years. Keep in mind that during the Colonial era, Europeans frequently applied their own names to the people and places they colonized regardless of the fact that thesealready had names
Story Telling Is an Oral tradition- Information that is passed from one person to another by word of mouth Many cultures pass down their knowledge of themselves from generation to generation through the stories they tell Each culture answers the question “Where did we come from?” in its own way Aboriginal Peoples in Canada- Read pg.21-23