Mysteries & Legends.


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Presentation transcript:

Mysteries & Legends

Let’s start with the legend that i know very well.

Legend of Basilisk Halszka and Maciek, contrary to the prohibition from blacksmith Ostroga, went to the dark basement where they found Basilisk, strange creature who transform victims into stone statues with his eyes. Ostroga and Citizens want to help childrens. Wizard suport them with his knowlege and experience. Ostroga wear a shiny mirror-like armor and goes to the basement to rescue the children. When Basilisks saw his reflection he selftransform into a stone.

But what was the most dangerous in the Basilisk?

Turn into stone Scales Fire

Let’s go to another legend...

Legend of Lech, Czech & Rus Long time ago, were three brothers Lech, Czech and Rus who gave their horses for Swiatowid (A God of the land), then they received gifts from priests who recomended them mission of offering animals. That was three Axes and sacks with a symbol, Lech got white feather. When he found nest with white feathers, he took that as a good sign and he founded the first capital - Gniezno

What was the most important thing for Poland?

Name of people (later name of coutry) Polanie-pola Name of people (later name of coutry) Nest - Gniezno First capital Eagle Emblem

Name of people (later name of coutry) Polanie-pola Name of people (later name of coutry) Nest - Gniezno First Capital Eagle Emblem

Legend of Wars & Sawa About the formation of the current capital Warsaw – Created by the love of the fisherman and mermaid

What legend left behind after?

Name of the city (later Capital) Wars&Sawa(Warszawa) Name of the city (later Capital)

We have three examples of legends about courage, friendship and love

These three vaules built up Poland These three vaules built up Poland. ERASMUS+ is the courage to move in the adventure, friendship between nations, and who knows? Perhaps someone fall in love?

And now some arts from our students:

A Legend of fern flower A Legend of Janosik

A Legend of piece of skin A legend of Sea Snake