ETPIS (2004 - ) Towards Safer & More Competitive European Industry ETSI Seminar 23 - 24 October 2006, Nice-Sophia Antipolis Bastien Affeltranger, INERIS (France)
Basic Scientific Challenges Sustainable Development Emerging Risks Competitiveness & industry growth Industrial Safety - accident at work - major accident - safe innovation Safety culture Quality of life & environment protection Organisation Human Performance Transfer to industry Training Education Risk assessment & management (complexity) Risk Reducing Technologies (design & control) Basic Scientific Challenges
Research Focus Groups: Towards a Research Agenda for FP 7 MANUFACTUR I NG PROCESS I NDUSTR Y FUEL CELLS HYDROGEN TRANSPORT C HEMI STRY C O N S T R U C T I O N E N E R G Y O I L G A S ... Risk Assessment & Management Advanced Risk Reduction Technologies Structural Safety Human & Organisational Factors Emerging Risks
HUB EDUCATION & TRAINING Research Focus Groups MANUFACTUR I NG PROCESS I NDUSTR Y FUEL CELLS HYDROGEN TRANSPORT C HEMI STRY C O N S T R U C T I O N E N E R G Y O I L G A S ... HUB NANOSAFE HUB EDUCATION & TRAINING Risk Assessment & Management Advanced Risk Reduction Technologies Structural Safety Human & Organisational Factors Emerging Risks
Achievements & Challenges An industrial safety contribution to FP7 research agenda Co-operation with ETPs: Construction; Steel; Chemistry Capitalising on results from previous or ongoing projects Example: ERMA (Electronic Risk Management Architecture), FP 6 / IST Programme Consolidation of IS research & action at European level Readiness to develop IT applications to industrial safety Monitoring; weak signals; early warning Knowledge Management; HF/OF issues; warning systems GIS-based applications; decision support; etc. More information on