Launching the New Ship of State Washington Adm. (1789-1797) By J.A.SACCO
“President Washington We Have a Problem Here!” What problems would Washington face as he began his Presidency? Credibility- ½ population oppose Constitution Prove government not a monarchy National debt Gain respect in foreign affairs No federal laws, no law enforcement officers, no federal court Constitution only an outline- Will it work? Creation of military to protect abroad and border
Washington’s Domestic Policy Problem 1-What do you call the Chief Executive? Was this a waste of time for the new government?
Washington’s Domestic Policy Problem 2- The need to create a judiciary. Judiciary Act of 1789- creation of 13 districts, 3 court of appeals, and a Supreme Court
Washington’s Domestic Policy Problem 3- How do you get money into the treasury? Tariff of 1789- Required importers to pay a percent of the value of their cargo when dock in U.S.. Shippers also had to pay a tonnage tax on the weight of cargo. How did Southerners respond to the tariff?
Washington’s Domestic Policy Problem 4- The President needs help in getting the government started, what do you do? The Cabinet- advisors to the President Dept. of Treas. Dept. of State Dept. of War Dept of Justice A. Hamilton T.Jefferson H. Knox E. Randolph
Battle of Fallen Timbers-Aug. 1794 Pres. Washington sends Gen. Anthony Wayne to put down Native American resistance Leads to Treaty of Greenville Gen. “Mad” Anthony Wayne
Treaty of Greenville Native Americans give up part of southern Ohio/Indiana in exchange for a payment of $10,000 from government. Population explodes! 1803 Ohio a state.
Washington’s Domestic Policy Bill Of Rights Based on “VA. Declaration of Rights” (G. Mason), and “VA Statute of Religious Freedom” (T.Jefferson) 10 Amendments- First 8 protect the rights of the people 9th people have other rights not listed 10th reserve powers for states