Year 10 Achievement Evening 2018
What does it take to be successful? Attitude Application Ambition
Attitude? Attendance Behaviour Homework Organisation Opportunity
Application? Try your best Give 100% effort Take on board feedback
Ambition? Aim for excellence Reach your targets Be proud of your achievements Celebrate success Do your very best!
Where We Are Now Measuring your child’s performance What Does Success Look Like? Attendance = Achievement
Comparison with Target Grade A. Student Above Target: Brilliant! Praise & reward. On Target: Doing well. Could aim even higher. One Below Target: Broadly on track. More Than One Below: Act now to improve.
Post-16 Course Entry Can your child access the course they want? Type of Course / Programme What is Needed to Access Entry to OSA Sixth Form & Football Academy Minimum Average Points Score (APS) of 3.7 Entry to BTEC Level 3 Courses at OSA Average Points Score (APS) of 3.7 GCSE English Grade of 4 or better Entry to A-Level Courses at OSA Average Points Score (APS) of 4 GCSE English & Maths Grades of 4 or better Grade 5 or above in the A-level subject Grade 6 for Sciences, 7 for Maths Entry to Level 3 Vocational Courses at Local Colleges 4-5 x GCSEs at Grade 4 & above, including English & Maths Can your child access the course they want? Be wary of multi-level college courses – will they represent genuine progression for your child? Level 1 = Below GCSE Level Level 2 = Same level as GCSE Level 3 = Same Level as A-Level
What Success Looks Like… Have an attendance percentage above 96%. Have a good behaviour record- very few negative logs. Have a quiet, focused place to work at home. Have a good range of study equipment and stationery. Have the revision guides for each subject that they study. Have a revision calendar or timetable. Have made index cards for each subject. Between exam periods - go over past topics. 4-6 weeks away from exams - spend 1-2 hours per night preparing and revising. Less than 4 weeks away from exams - spend 2-3 hours per night preparing and revising. We know from experience the habits of the students who tend to do well at GCSE. Is your child doing all the things listed here? If they are, they are giving themselves the best chance of succeeding. If they aren’t, make it a priority to help them change their habits.
Attendance = Achievement We are concerned about Year 10 attendance. The current year group percentage is 91%. The national average is 95%. Our school target is 96%.
Attendance Percentage Figures What it means to your education and your GCSEs Attendance Over Year Days Absent Weeks Absent Lessons Missed 95% 9 days 2 weeks 50 lessons 90% 19 days 4 weeks 100 lessons 85% 29 days 6 weeks 150 lessons 80% 38 days 8 weeks 200 lessons 75% 48 days 10 weeks 250 lessons 70% 57 days 11.5 weeks 290 lessons 65% 67 days 13.5 weeks 340 lessons
9 7 5/6 5 3 2 Impact of Low Attendance Current Year 10, 2018 Current Attendance 99.7% or higher 92% to 93% 75% or lower Students Expected to Achieve Average of Grade 8 Average Current Grade: 9 7 5/6 Students Expected to Achieve Average of Grade 4 5 3 2
Good Attendance = Rewards Record of achievement certificates. Prizes at the end of each half term (iTunes voucher, cinema experience). Prom discount. Year Book discount.
Where We Are Going The Shape of Year 11 Support in Summer and September Key Stage 5 – Aspiring and Applying
Here are some of the key times and events: The Shape of Year 11 Here are some of the key times and events: Date Event 4th September 2018 Start of Autumn Term First 6 weeks of Term Six-week, practical exam preparation course, every Wednesday evening, 3.30pm to 4.30pm. 12th September 2018 Year 11 Revision Support Day – with Revision Support Evening for Parents. 15th October - 26th October 2018 Year 11 Practice Exams, Round 1 8th November 2018 OSA Sixth Form Information Evening 19th – 23rd November 2018 Year 11 Post-16 Student Interviews 20th November 2018 Year 11 Parents’ Evening Date Event 4th February - 15th February 2019 Year 11 Practice Exams, Round 2 15th February 2019 Deadline for teaching normal Year 11 syllabus for most subjects 18th – 22nd February 2019 Half-Term Support Sessions 8th – 19th April 2019 Easter Support Sessions 13th May 2019 GCSE Exam Period Begins 24th May 2019 End of normal Year 11 Timetable 27th – 31st May 2019 21st June 2019 GCSE Exam Period Ends
Support – Summer & September Summer work set over the 6-week holiday. Aimed at keeping students sharp. Approx. 3 hours for English, Maths, Science. Some options subjects will also set work. Access – school website & physical copies.
September Exam Prep Course Date Session Offered 6th September Compiling A Revision Timetable That Works 13th September Using Revision Cards Effectively 20th September Using Mind-Maps To Learn And Remember 27th September Effective Exam Preparation In English 4th October Effective Exam Preparation In Maths 11th October Effective Exam Preparation In Science Sign up for this course tonight in the foyer to secure a place for September.
Year 11 ‘Revision Day’ Wednesday 12th September, 2018. Revision training from Martijn van der Spoel, educational psychologist. Student training- 2 hours in the school day. Parent training- 6pm – 7pm same evening.
KS5 – Aspiring & Applying We want as many students as possible to join OSA Sixth Form. We are committed to building a curriculum around this year group’s aspirations. Comprehensive offer across Welwyn & Hatfield Consortium. History of excellent achievement.
KS5 – Application Process Date Event Wednesday 11th July Year 10 Taster Lessons Thursday 13th September Year 11 ‘Futures Day’- a day focused on career planning. Thursday 8th November OSA Sixth Form Information Evening. 19th – 23rd November Year 11 ‘Next Steps’ Interviews- Meetings with students to discuss their future plans. Thursday 6th December Deadline for OSA Sixth Form applications.
Meeting Groups Group 1 Room A4 Mr. Bird Group 2 Room A5 Mrs. Casotti Group 3 Hall Ms. Goddard Group 4 BE01 Ms. Mussellwhite Group 5 Room BE02 Mrs. Powell Remember– sign up for the September Revision Course in the foyer before leaving. Parent suggestion box also available.
Year 10 Achievement Evening 2018 Thank you once again for your support, and for attending this evening!