Social Science Options Assembly
GCSE Child Development If you choose this option you will study the following topics: Parenthood Pregnancy Diet, health and care of the child Development of the child Support for the parent and child Childcare is about the development and care of babies and young toddlers. It covers a range of issues to do with parenting, pregnancy and the health needs of young infants. Child care is a topic that requires a keen interest in the area of young babies and toddlers from conception to the age of five years.
UNIT 3: Child Study 60 marks – 40% UNIT 2: Research 30 marks – 20% The research task must be completed under supervision within the classroom and occupy approximately 7hrs of supervised time UNIT 1: Written Paper 1hr 30 mins – 100 marks – 40% 6-8 compulsory questions comprised of short answer, structured and free response questions. Some questions may include stimulus material UNIT 3: Child Study 60 marks – 40% The Child Study must be completed under supervision within the classroom and should occupy approximately 20 hours or supervised time.
Where can Child Development take me? Occupations that encourage the study of Child Care include: Working with children and adults with disabilities. Health care worker. Nursery Nurse. Nanny. Teaching. Health services, nurse, midwife
Is it for me? You have an interest in the development of young infants and children. You have an enquiring mind and enjoy the challenges presented by different techniques to look after and care for young infant / children You enjoy actively participating in discussions. You have confidence to engage in group work. You have the independence to carry out a series of child studies and present your findings. You are considering further study and work placements with young infants and children.
BTEC Health & Social Care Health and Social Care is about a range of health and care settings and how they provide services for their users. These could be Health visitors Social services Nursery Care homes Hospitals GP Surgeries Dentists
BTEC Health & Social Care It covers a range of issues to do with individual rights and needs in different settings across all ages. Health and Social Cares requires an interest in how people can benefit from services
Guided learning hours (GLH) Optional Specialist Units Core Units Assessment method Guided learning hours (GLH) 1 Human Lifespan Development External 30 2 Health & Social Care Values Internal Mandatory Units 3 Effective Communication in Health & Social Care 9 Healthy Living Optional Specialist Units 4 Social Influences on Health and Well being 5 Promoting Health and Wellbeing 12 Creative and Therapeutic Activities in Health & Social Care 60 Equals 240 GLH
BTEC Health & Social Care Y10 students attended another day on work placement just before the holidays and the majority of reports back where positive, indicating that the students worked hard and contributed positively to the work placement setting. Some students attended work placement in primary and nursery environments but some attended placements in nursing homes which was great. A big thanks to Mrs Ryan who has arranged all the placements for the students. Dear Mrs Rowland, I like the work in health and social because it is easy to understand and it will help me with my future job. I find all the work easy to do and very interesting. I also like getting my work back and improving it because it helps me get a higher level and aim for the high marks.
GCSE Psychology Topics that you will study How do we see the world Is dreaming meaningful? Do TV and video games affect young people? Why do we have phobias? Are criminals born or made?
PAPER 2 60% Topic C – DO TV and video games affect young people’s behaviour? Topic D – Why do people have phobias? Topic E – Are criminals born or made? PAPER 1 40% Topic A – How do we see the world? Topic B – Is dreaming meaningful? Exam Questions Exam questions will require multiple choice questions, short answers and some extended answers