Aeries Account Step by Step Instructions 1. Go to 2. Once on our website click parent/student portals 3. Click create new account 4. Make sure you click parent. You can only use a parent account to enroll your students electronically next year.
5. Enter your email and create a password. Click next 5.Enter your email and create a password. Click next. A verificationemail will be sent to your email. 6. A confirmation that a verification code was sent will appear. 7. Check your email. You should have received an email from Aeries. 8. Click on the confirm email link. (You can enter the verification code ONLY if the confirm link does not work)
9. Once you have confirmed your email. Click Return to log in page 10. Enter your email 11. Enter password 12.Please enter the following information. You can find the Perm ID# and the Verification codes on progress reports and report cards. You can also contact the school for this information. 13. Welcome to Aeries you can now access your students grades. When the window opens for registration you will be able to register on line .