Chapter 12: Classical Style
The Classical Era (1750-1820) Proportion, balance, and formal correctness The Enlightenment Figures 12.1 and 12.2(top) The second-century Pantheon in Rome. (bottom) The library of the University of Virginia, designed by Thomas Jefferson in the late eighteenth century. Jefferson had visited Italy and studied the ancient ruins while serving as ambassador to France (1784–1789).The portico, with columns and triangular pediment, and the central rotunda are all elements of Classical style in architecture.
The Democratization of Classical Music: Public Concerts Performances gradually moved from the palace to the concert hall Supported by the middle class
The Rise of Popular Opera Comic Opera: Expressed middle class values; satire of pompous and incompetent aristocrats Also called Opera buffa Figure 12.4 A performance at the Burgtheater in Vienna in the late 1700s. The nobility occupied the frontmost seats on the floor, but the area behind them was open to all. So, too, in the galleries, the aristocracy bought boxes low and close to the stage, while commoners occupied higher rungs, as well as the standing room in the fourth gallery. Ticket prices depended, then as now, on proximity to the performers.
The Advent of the Piano Invented in Italy around 1700 Replaced the harpsichord Could play more than one dynamic level Originally named the pianoforte Figure 12.5 Marie Antoinette, in 1770 at the age of fifteen, seated at an early piano. In 1774, this Austrian princess became queen of France, but in 1793, at the height of the French Revolution, she was beheaded.
Elements of Classical Style Melody: Tuneful, catchy, singable melodies Simple and short with balanced phrases Antecedent and Consequent phrases Example from Mozart’s Piano Concerto in C major (1785)
Elements of Classical Style Harmony: Harmonic rhythm much more fluid and flexible than in the Baroque music Alberti Bass: Spreads out pitches of a chord to provide a steady steam of sound