Who Are We? Camphill Scotland is not another name for ‘Camphill IN Scotland’. Camphill Scotland has its own unique identity as a membership organisation providing services to its members The key strategic question is what sort of services to provide. Trying to do everything and anything is not a sensible option.
Our Distinctive Contribution Build a strong, consistent and positive profile for Camphill in Scotland Facilitate members’ collective development as providers of social care and education What skills, knowledge, abilities are needed to do this well? External Internal
Our Distinctive Competencies Ability to translate Camphill to an external audience and translate the policy environment to a Camphill audience – thereby provoking internal and external change Communication of the distinctive value of Camphill (website, publications, key messages, face to face) Networking and influencing both internally and externally (members events, email groups, links with Scottish Neighbourhood, CCPS, Cross Party Groups etc.)
Strategic Decisions 2011 Two Facilitators with a very inclusive remit and a broad understanding of Camphill Scotland as ‘a vehicle for associative working’ 2017 Director (reporting to the Board, translating strategy into operation, supporting and supervising staff, building alliances with other organisations) Policy and Engagement Manager (influencing the policy and legislative process, supporting members to get involved) Administration and Communications Officer (delivery of ebulletin, website, publications, members’ events)
2016 – 17 Highlights New Website with much clearer, consistent positioning of the Camphill brand in Scotland – distinctive benefits, a positive and relevant story to tell Each month spending a day in a community with a wider range of members Building links with the Scottish Parliament and Scottish Government and ability to use these for members’ benefit
2016 – 17 Highlights Member involvement in consultation on the new Care Standards Welcoming human rights perspective Not just provider and receiver but genuine co-production The value of giving to others Being part of something bigger than oneself A Positive, Balanced and Distinctive Position enables us to engage consistently in the implementation process
2016 – 17 Highlights ‘I didn’t get it before but I get it now’ Establishing Regular High Level Meetings Twice yearly meetings with Chief Inspector in a Camphill community Twice yearly meetings between CI and CS ‘I didn’t get it before but I get it now’
Looking Forward Increasing the clarity, consistency and weight of our influencing work The Influencing Group (member engagement gives us practice examples, concrete experience and expertise to deploy) Deepening involvement in the political process –through Cross Party Groups, Sector-wide working groups and consultation processes Website and social media (briefing papers, blogs, tweets, news items) Building alliances with natural partners such as People First, Enable, Camphill Family and Friends and L’Arche, Findhorn and Iona Community.
Our Key Themes Inclusion and empowerment of people with learning disabilities and other support needs The right of people with a learning disability, parents and carers to choose the services that are right for them Care for the planet – ecology and sustainability Community, togetherness and mutual support (not loneliness and isolation) Meaningful work, employability and social enterprise The Spiritual dimension – a big purpose.
Some Key Policy Areas 2017 - 18 Brexit Camphill is profoundly European and in Scotland we depends upon those links remaining undamaged The Child Care Review on the quality of life and outcomes for young people in care Adults with Incapacity Act – the key piece of legislation in the field of learning disability
Internal External Projects Stakeholder Survey on the brand or ‘organisational personality’ of Camphill in Scotland – perceived strengths and weaknesses against key criteria Leadership for Succession – two cohorts of a) established leaders and b) emerging leaders with opportunity for facilitated dialogue within and between those groups Build peer networks Promote new thinking Encourage proactive engagement with challenges of succession
Organisational Development New Board Members New Structure and new posts Review of Income Generation The virtual team