Do you think energy travels to all life equally? Explain. Warm-Up: Do you think energy travels to all life equally? Explain. Copy Objective, HW
Goals RI 7.6, Sci 7.3e SWBAT understand concepts of nutrition to analyze how energy flows in food webs in ecosystems and predict possible results if disruptions occur. I DO: Lesson Facts WE DO: Foldables YOU DO: Frayer Models
Frayer Model: Autotrophs : rows 1-2 Heterotrophs: rows 3-4
What is Nutrition? The entire process by which organisms obtain energy from food for growth, maintenance and repair of damaged tissues Nutrient – the substances that are required for the nourishment of an organism
6.1 Type of Nutrition Two main types: 1. Autotrophic 2. Heterotrophic
1. Autotrophic A process in which organisms make organic substances from inorganic substances Autotroph = Auto – self, trophos – feed (organism which can make their own food) The source of energy for making food can be either light or chemical energy.
The synthesis of food using light energy – photosynthesis (photo – light) Photoautotroph – organisms which produce organic molecules from carbon dioxide and water using sunlight as a source of energy Example: green plants
The synthesis of food using chemical energy – chemosynthesis (chemo – chemical) Chemoautotroph – organisms which make organic compounds by oxidising inorganic compound (hydrogen sulphide and ammonia) Example: certain bacteria (Nitrosomonas sp. and Nitrobacter sp.)
2. Heterotrophic A type of nutrition in which organism obtain energy through the intake and digestion of organic substances. Heterotroph =Hetero – other, trophos – feed (organism that cannot make their own nutrients but obtain the nutrients from other organisms)
They may practice a) Holozioc nutrition, b) Saprophytism c) Parasitism
- holo –like, zoon – animal - The organism feeds by ingesting a) Holozoic nutrition - holo –like, zoon – animal - The organism feeds by ingesting solid organic matter which is subsequently digested and absorbed into their bodies - Examples: humans, herbivores, carnivores and some carnivorous pitcher plants and Venus fly-traps
- The organisms are called saprophytes - Feed on dead and decaying b) Saprophytism - The organisms are called saprophytes - Feed on dead and decaying organic matter - Digest their food externally before absorbing the nutrients into their bodies - Examples: bacteria, fungi
- The organisms are called parasites - Obtain nutrient from living on c) Parasitism - The organisms are called parasites - Obtain nutrient from living on (ectoparasites) or in (endoparasites) the body of another living organism (host) - They absorb readily digested food from its host - Examples: fleas (ectoparasites), lice, worms, wasps (endoparasites), Rafflesia plant
1. Name two types of autotrophic nutrition. Test Yourself 1. Name two types of autotrophic nutrition. A: Photosynthesis and chemosynthesis
2. Name three types of heterotrophic nutrition. Test Yourself 2. Name three types of heterotrophic nutrition. A: Holozoic nutrition, saprophytism, and parasitism
3. Name the nutritional habits of the following organisms; Test Yourself 3. Name the nutritional habits of the following organisms; a) Carnivorous plants A: holozoic nutrition b) Green algae A: photosynthesis c) Tapeworm A: parasitism
Nutrition Based Division of Animals The categories of their diets are : Animals Omnivores Ex : Humans Herbivores Ex : Cows Carnivores Ex : Bengal tiger Nutrition in Animals - Jaideep Nalwade , Prathamesh Chavan and Nimish Tembhurne
Nutrition Based Division of Animals Ex : Humans, Bears, Raccoons Omnivores Omnivores are animals that eat both plants and animals or even algal matter Ex : Cows, Hares, Gorillas Herbivores They are animals that mainly eat autotrophs, i.e. Plants Ex : Sharks, Snakes, Lions, Tigers Carnivores They are animals that eat other animals and meat Nutrition in Animals - Jaideep Nalwade , Prathamesh Chavan and Nimish Tembhurne
Which mode of obtaining nutrients is the most beneficial? Turn and talk: Which mode of obtaining nutrients is the most beneficial? Would one be the slowest? Why? How is feeding related to the characteristics of life?
Why do animals require nutrition? Animals are heterotrophs that require food for various reasons. Three of them are : Chemical Energy Fuel The cells in the body require energy to work. Nutrition provides the energy required for cellular action to take place. Biosynthesis Bone Growth Bone cells grow rapidly during the growth of an animal. Nutrition provides energy for Biosynthesis in which the carbon cells make new cells. Ready-made form Nutrients Animals cannot make all the nutrients required all by itself using raw materials. These nutrients are fed to the animal in a readymade form. Nutrition in Animals - Jaideep Nalwade , Prathamesh Chavan and Nimish Tembhurne
What happens if animals do not get enough nutrients? There are several pieces of colored paper on the floor around the room. Students count off by 3 to divide themselves into groups. On the first round, everyone races to pick up the pieces of paper with equal ability to use their hands. The fastest survive. In the second round, variation is introduced. One group of students may still use their hands, another must use their elbows for hands, and the third group is scattered around the room but unable to move. These three groups compete a couple of times, each time eliminating those who were not able to gain any “food” (paper).
Survivors are discussed What happens if animals do not get enough nutrients: Adaptations and population changes Survivors are discussed What this would look like in reality in populations… Q: Predict what might happen if you were selective about food options, for example, if you were only able to choose certain color pieces of paper.
Summary/ Feedback/ Questions 2 modes to get nutrients 3 types of animal heterotroph diets Adaptations to win food = win the day Tutoring will be offered by appointment. List where/when you need me in a note in my brown bag by Thursday.