*5 conjugations of the verb ir (to go)* EL VERBO IR (to go) *5 conjugations of the verb ir (to go)* yo- voy (I am going) nosotros- vamos (we are going) tú- vas (you fam. are going) *él- va (he is going) *ellos- van (they are going) *ella- va (she is going) *ellas- van (they are going) *Ud.- va (you fs are going) *Uds.- van (you all are going) 3rd person singular 3rd person singular Ir (ear) is one of the most IMPORTANT verbs in Spanish. We use the verb Ir everyday, all day! Ir is an IRREGULAR verb, meaning, it has its own distinct conjugations. All forms of the verb Ir in the PRESENT tense begin with the letter “v”. Remember that the “v” is always pronounced as “b”. Remember that 3rd person singular always has the same conjugations, as well as 3rd person plural.