Sentence Parts Angelica Gonzalez EED 616
What is a sentence? Frog and Toad went out to fly a kite. A sentence is made up of one or more words to express a complete thought. Frog and Toad went out to fly a kite.
What Are The Basic Parts of a Sentence? Subject Who or what is being talked about? Predicate What is said about who or what? Frog and Toad went out to fly a kite. Click for here for a song to help you remember the parts of a sentence.
Subject Phrases The curious octopus The kite A loud robin
Predicate Phrases swam in the deep ocean. flew up in the air. sat on a long branch.
The curious octopus swam in the deep ocean.
The kite flew up in the air.
A loud robin sat on a long branch.
Lets Play a Game Subjects and Predicates