(Association of Industrial Road Safety Officers) Graham Feest Secretary AIRSO (Association of Industrial Road Safety Officers)
What should be included? How much will it cost? Managing The Risk What do we mean? What is involved? Where do we start? What should be included? How much will it cost?
Probably the most dangerous activity transport employees, Managing The Risk Probably the most dangerous activity transport employees, family members and local people face is using the road
Managing The Risk It is estimated that between 25% and 33% of road traffic crashes involve somebody who was using the road for work purposes This means that in Great Britain between 850 and 1,100 people are killed and 8,000 to 10,500 are seriously injured, in work-related road incidents each year.
Managing The Risk
Managing The Risk
Managing The Risk
Managing The Risk
Managing The Risk
Driving Forces Tomorrow’s Roads Safer for Everyone Health & Safety Executive Guidelines Corporate Manslaughter Legislation Road Death Investigation Manual
Why Does It Matter? Corporate Social Responsibility Profitability Efficiency Reputation
Avoiding Disaster Taking responsibility as an organisation Identifying an appropriate person(s) Giving the time Research Driver checks Vehicle checks Including driving in a general risk policy Audit trail Communication Create good practices & policies
Managing The Risk The Risk Assessment Process ideally falls into four categories People Related Fitness to drive Fatigue Substance abuse Driving skills Work Related Journey (mileage/time limitations) Flexibility (hours, meals, breaks, etc) People & Work Related Workplace culture Mobile communications Crash/collision reports and data Vehicle-Related Regular maintenance Suitability of vehicle for job
Managing The Risk Bingo
Managing The Risk What is your policy/position on? Alcohol Drugs Illness Fatigue Stress
Managing The Risk What is your policy/position on? Mobile Phones Driving Assessments Speed Carrying of Goods Use of the Vehicle for non-official business
Managing The Risk What is your policy/position on? Carrying of Passengers Non-Authority People Driving Authority Vehicles Use of Private Cars on Authority Business Checking of Driving Documents Age for Driving Authority Vehicles
Managing The Risk What is your policy/position on? Alcohol
Managing The Risk - Alcohol What is your policy/strategy – Can you answer these questions? Is it sufficient to say to staff that they must not drink if they intend or are driving? Do you need to consider random breath testing as part of your company policy? What is the company policy with regard to official functions and entertaining? What is the company policy with regard to alcohol on the premises? ******* How are you going to introduce the policies to the existing workforce? How are you intending to enforce your policies? What sanctions are you intending to introduce for non – compliance?
Managing The Risk What is your policy/position on? Drugs
Managing The Risk - Drugs RELATED FACTS Illegal drugs (We are gathering evidence as to the overall effects and impairment) Prescribed medicines (The doctor may tell you that the drugs he prescribes could make you fell drowsy) Over the counter remedies (The Chemists may say something about the effects but it is unlikely)
Managing The Risk - Drugs What is your policy/strategy – Can you answer these questions? How are you going to deal with a Member of staff who is taking an illegal substance? Have you got measures in place to manage those on Long Term or short prescribed drugs? ******* How are you going to introduce the policies to the existing workforce? How are you intending to enforce your policies? What sanctions are you intending to introduce for non – compliance?
Managing The Risk What is your policy/position on? Illness
Managing The Risk - Illness RELATED FACTS Illness may be of a short or long term duration It could be of a more serious nature involving a medical practitioner and short or prolonged periods of absence People with cold and flu type symptoms often feel better in the morning than they do by the end of the day Illness can lead to falling asleep at the wheel and/or reduced levels of concentration, anticipation, observation, tolerance and patience etc
Managing The Risk - Illness What is your policy/strategy – Can you answer these questions? What is the organisations policy and attitude towards people who are unwell? How does a member of your staff get home if they fall ill during the day? Is the organisation aware of the staff who are on permanent medication? ******* How are you going to introduce the policies to the existing workforce? How are you intending to enforce your policies? What sanctions are you intending to introduce for non – compliance?
Managing The Risk What is your policy/position on? Fatigue
Managing The Risk - Fatigue RELATED FACTS Driving for long periods without adequate and regular breaks is a potentially dangerous strategy Insufficient food and drink will increase the risk of falling asleep Falling asleep at the wheel is a lot more common than we all believe HOWEVER The fatigue experienced whilst driving can be symptomatic of other working pressures or domestic circumstances
Managing The Risk - Fatigue What is your policy/strategy – Can you answer these questions? Is there a daily mileage/distance limit? Is there a recommended driving period/distance before a break? What is the policy for staff travelling and overnight accommodation? Is there a policy regarding alternative modes of transport? What arrangements/flexible working times are in place to compensate staff who work long hours on a particular day/period ******* How are you going to introduce the policies to the existing workforce? How are you intending to enforce your policies? What sanctions are you intending to introduce for non – compliance?
Managing The Risk What is your policy/position on? Stress
Managing The Risk - Stress RELATED FACTS Stress has many origins but in context we need to recognise that stress is related to: Personal circumstances and pressures Working circumstances and pressures and The stress of driving itself Together they make a lethal combination!
Managing The Risk - Stress What is your policy/strategy – Can you answer these questions? Does the organisation have a Stress Management Policy? Do the demands and expectations of the organisation generally increase the stress levels of the management and employees? What is the attitude to staff who are late due to travelling problems? How sympathetic is the management to domestic problems & issues? Do all staff take their appropriate holiday entitlement? ******* 1. How are you going to introduce the policies to the existing workforce? 2. How are you intending to enforce your policies? 3. What sanctions are you intending to introduce for non – compliance?
Ten Challenges for the next month Report back to Chief Officers, and Human Resources Officer as appropriate and get it on the agenda. 2. Identify the person to take responsibility and/or a Champion. (Maybe your Head of Driver Training) 3. Set up a procedure to collect and record travel, transport, and crash/collision data 4. Draw together existing practices and understandings and adopt them as written policy
Ten Challenges for the next month 5. Put in place and implement with an appropriate recording system an annual drivers document check 6. Develop, implement and document a policy with regard to the use of mobile phones and other such communication equipment. 7. Develop, implement and document policies aimed at dealing with the issues relating to fatigue.
Ten Challenges for the next month 8. Develop, implement and document a policy with regard to Drinking and Driving. 9. Undertake one risk assessment relating to your authority’s operation where using the road is prevalent and develop, implement and document a policy aimed at reducing/controlling the risk. 10. Consider the content of a Drivers Handbook
Graham Feest Secretary AIRSO (Association of Industrial Road Safety Officers) 68 The Boulevard, Worthing, West Sussex BN13 1LA 01903 50 60 95 airso@talk21.com www.airso.org.uk