Studies of hard exclusive processes at CLAS


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Presentation transcript:

Studies of hard exclusive processes at CLAS Harut Avakian Jefferson Lab GPD2006 Workshop , Trento, June 8, 2006 Introduction Exclusive processes Photons (DVCS) Pseudoscalar mesons Vector mesons Summary * In collaboration with V.Burkert and L.Elouadrhiri

Physics Motivation Describe the complex nucleon structure in terms of quark and gluon degrees of freedom. hard gluon DVCS DVMP longitudinal photons hard vertices DVCS – for different polarizations of beam and target provide access to different combinations of GPDs H, H, E DVMP for different mesons is sensitive to flavor contributions (r0/r+ select H, E, for u/d flavors, p, h, K select H, E) ~ Study the asymptotic regime and guide theory in describing HT.

Electroproduction Kinematics g e q p g*->g require a finite longitudinal momentum transfer defined by the generalized Bjorken variable x Longitudinal and transverse polarizations mix by qg

Asymmetry in DVCS Experiments dQ2dxBdtd ~ |TDVCS + TBH|2 GPD CLAS at 4.3 GeV HERMES 27 GeV A(f) = asinf + bsin2f S. Stepanyan et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001) A. Airapetian et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001)

f-dependent amplitude BH 5.7 GeV f=0 f=45 f=90 DVCS x=0.25 Strong dependence on kinematics of prefactor f-dependence, at y≈ycol,P1(f)→0 Fraction of pure DVCS increases with t and f

GPDs from ep->e’p’g Requirements for precision (<15%) measurements of GPDs from DVCS SSA: Define the procedure to extract GPDs from ALU effect of finite bins (prefactor variations) ~10% other moments Define background corrections pion contamination ~10% radiative background ADVCS A complete simulation of the whole chain from particle detection to GPD extraction, including the DVCS and background (counts, asymmetries) as well as extraction procedure (averaging over kinematic factors) required to ensure the reliability of measured GPDs.

The CLAS Detector ~ 200 physicists 37 institutions Q2 High luminosity, polarized CW beam Wide physics acceptance, including exclusive, semi-inclusive processes, current and target fragmentation Wide geometric acceptance, allowing detection of multi-particle final states ~ 200 physicists 37 institutions Q2 Forward CALO

DVCS event samples Angular cut most efficient in separating p0 3 event samples with W>2 (after data quality cuts) epg(DVCS) epX 0 photons in CLAS (~2M events) tight cuts on PID,missing mass MX, no other tracks 2) epg 1 photon in Calorimeter (~150000 events) cut on the direction qgX<0.015, 3) epgg 2 photon(p0) in Calorimeter (~70000 events) cut on the direction qpX<0.02, epg(p0) Angular cut most efficient in separating p0 Kinematic coverage of 5.75 GeV(red) and 5.48(blue) CLAS data sets

DVCS and p0 MC vs Data epp0 epg pg Exclusive photon production simulated using a realistic MC(based on Korotkov’s code) Exclusive p0 production simulated using a realistic MC (based on PDFs, fitted to CLAS data) Kinematic distributions in x,Q2 and t for p0 tuned to describe the CLAS data (b=1)

g MC vs Data Region where BH totally dominates (small t, small photon qLAB) Negligible DVCS x-section, small p0 contamination Rapidly changing prefactors, mainly small f, hard to detect photons Large angles Uniform coverage in angle f, photon measurement less challenging DVCS x-section non negligible introduce some model dependence) p0 dominates the single photon sample (in particular at low Q2 and large t ) MC Kinematic distributions in x,Q2,t consistent with the CLAS data

p0 contamination in epg-sample CLAS forward Calo g single photons from p0 p0 BH-DVCS g (photon lab. angle) At large angles detected photon can be used as veto (epX-sample). Cut on the direction of the measured photon (require detection of proton) significantly reduce the contamination (epg-sample).

p0 contamination Main unknown in corrections of photon SSA are the p0 contamination and its beam SSA. Extract from epp0 MC the ratio of single to double photon detection probability MC the ratio for 0 g 1.0<Q2<2.0, 0.1<x<0.3 MC Use epp0 MC and data to estimate the contribution of p0 in the epg and epX samples Contamination from p0 photons increasing at large t and x .

Beam SSA after correction for p0 contamination epg VGG with TM correction before Open symbols raw asymmetry Filled symbols asymmetry corrected for p0 after Subtract p0 contribution for each f bin Two data sets (e16 at 5.7 GeV,e1f at 5.5 GeV) with different torus field (different kinematic coverage) and beam energy are consistent.

GPD extraction from Beam SSA:MC corrected for p0 GPDs: MC-input epg H+x(F1+F2)H +kF2E raw asymmetry 0.3<x<0.4 only H 2<Q2<3 Divide the ALU by the kinematic factor cLU extracted from event by event sum Extraction procedure tested with GEANT based MC with realistic x-sections for DVCS and pions recover input GPDs ~

GPD extraction from Beam SSA:Data ALU corrected for p0 (bin by bin) H → ratio of the ALU and prefactor cLU calculated for all events in a bin (averaged over f) VGG with TM BMK* GPD sums (H) extracted for two non-overlapping data sets epX(ep0g) and epg consistent

DVCS SSA kinematic dependences at 5.7 GeV PRELIMINARY -t<0.5 GeV2 Fine binning allows to observe the x and Q2 dependence Preliminary data for fully exclusive epg is consistent with the ep data and consistent with GPD base predictions Need realistic GPD models to perform fits

Calorimeter and superconducting magnet within CLAS torus γ Dedicated CLAS DVCS experiment → Dedicated detection of 3 particles e, p and γ in final state → Large kinematical coverage in xB and t p0 e1DVCS More in F.-X. Girod’s talk Calorimeter and superconducting magnet within CLAS torus Improves significantly the epg and in particular the epgg samples at low t p0 e1DVCS p0 e16/e1f 424 PbWO4 crystals CLAS PRELIMINARY Significant beam SSA measured for p0 dedicated calorimeter (IC) detect photons from 5o

Target Spin Asymmetry (LTSA): t- Dependence from CLAS Unpolarized beam, longitudinal target: DsUL ~ sinfIm{F1H+x(F1+F2)(H +.. } DsLL ~ cosfRe{F1H+x(F1+F2)(H +.. } ~ Kinematically suppressed g p0 First data available(5 CLAS days), more(60 days) to come at 6 GeV Measurements with polarized target will constrain the polarized GPDs and combined with beam SSA measurements would allow precision measurement of unpolarized GPDs.

/ Ratio p/h= MX Mgg Eides,Frankfurt,Strikman 1998 g/p h r/w Eides,Frankfurt,Strikman 1998 W >2 GeV 5.75GeV (0<t<1) Q2>1.5GeV2 MX p0 h Mgg / Ratio p/h= Requires separation of longitudinal and transverse contributions

Exclusive p+p- and p+p0 e p e p  e- p  e- nr+ π+ π- π+π0 Provide access to different combinations of orbital momentum contributions Ju,Jd r0 -> 2Ju + Jd, r+ -> Ju - Jd

Exclusive 2 pion production: MX (epX) CLAS (5.75 GeV) D++ ,N* f2 f0 r Significant background from exclusive 2 pion production

Exclusive ρ meson production: g*p → pρ0 CLAS (5.75 GeV) GPD formalism (beyond leading order) describes approximately data for xB<0.4, Q2 >1.5 GeV2 Analysis in progress GPD (MG-MVdh) Decent description in pQCD framework already at moderate Q2

Exclusive r0 production on transverse target 2D ┴(Im(AB*))/p AUT = - |A|2(1-x2) - |B|2(x2+t/4m2) - Re(AB*)2x2 A ~ 2Hu + Hd B ~ 2Eu + Ed r0 A ~ Hu - Hd B ~ Eu - Ed r+ r0 Eu, Ed needed for angular momentum sum rule. K. Goeke, M.V. Polyakov, M. Vanderhaeghen, 2001 Asymmetry is a more appropriate observable for GPD studies at JLab energies as possible corrections to the cross section are expected to cancel

CLAS12 High luminosity polarized (~80%) CW beam Wide geometric acceptance Wide physics acceptance Provides new insight into - quark orbital angular momentum contributions - 3D structure of the nucleon’s interior and correlations - quark flavor polarization

CLAS12 - DVCS/BH Target Asymmetry e p epg Transversely polarized target Sample kinematics E = 11 GeV Q2=2.2 GeV2, xB = 0.25, -t = 0.5GeV2 DsUT ~ sinfIm{k1(F2H – F1E) +…}df AUTx Target polarization in scattering plane AUTy Target polarization perpendicular to scattering plane Asymmetry highly sensitive to the u-quark contributions to the proton spin.

Summary DVCS beam spin asymmetries was extracted from two different CLAS data sets and for two different samples and was used to study GPDs. DVCS target spin asymmetry was extracted and compared with GPD based predictions (in publication) . Studies of the exclusive p0 background performed. Beam and target SSA extracted. High luminosity, polarized CW beam, wide kinematic and geometric acceptance allow studies of exclusive meson production in hard scattering kinematics, providing data needed to study GPDs. And here is the summary. I’ll just add that one week ago the CD1 (stands for critical decision step 1) was approved Giving a green light for 12 GeV upgrade to proceed CLAS12 Full acceptance, general purpose detector for high luminosity electron scattering experiments, is essential for high precision measurements of 3D PDFs in the valence region.

support slides…

Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering ep→e’p’g Interference responsible for SSA, contain the same lepton propagator P1(f) as BH The DVCS SSA appeared to be very different compared to more familiar pion SSA and the main difference is due to BH propagators. The Interference And BH terms have the same prefactor and are both increasing in the region Where the Propagator is small. A detailed structure of the beam SSA is shown here and as we can see the measurement Of the combination of GPDs is starit forward in the region where the DVCS cros section is negligible And requires only the knowledge of the BH moments. GPD combinations accessible as azimuthal moments of the total cross section. Way to access to GPDs

g MC vs Data All single photons DVCS data DVCS MC From the comparison of reconstructed data and MC for exclusive pi0, You can see that we have a pretty good control over the pi0 background. Shown here are distributions for exclusive pi0, for pion energy,….. Exclusive photon production simulated using a realistic MC(based on S.Korotkov’s code) Kinematic distributions in x,Q2,t consistent with the CLAS data

Target Spin Asymmetry: t- Dependence Unpolarized beam, longitudinal target: DsUL ~ sinfIm{F1H+x(F1+F2)(H +.. } DsLL ~ cosfRe{F1H+x(F1+F2)(H +.. } ~ Kinematically suppressed Target SSA measurements for the DVCS (Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering) process, Providing acces to a different combination of H and H~ compared to the beam SSA measurements In DVCS. Some data is already available to constrain the GPD H~ both from HERMES and CLAS. CLAS projections correspond to 60 days of running at same conditions as for the SIDIS experiment (simultaneous measurements). First data available(5 CLAS days), more(60 days) to come at 6 GeV Measurements with polarized target will constrain the polarized GPDs and combined with beam SSA measurements would allow precision measurement of unpolarized GPDs.

Target Spin Asymmetry: t- Dependence Unpolarized beam, longitudinal target: DsUL ~ sinfIm{F1H+x(F1+F2)(H +.. } DsLL ~ cosfRe{F1H+x(F1+F2)(H +.. } ~ Kinematically suppressed CLAS 5.7 CLAS+IC Target SSA measurements for the DVCS (Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering) process, Providing acces to a different combination of H and H~ compared to the beam SSA measurements In DVCS. Some data is already available to constrain the GPD H~ both from HERMES and CLAS. CLAS projections correspond to 60 days of running at same conditions as for the SIDIS experiment (simultaneous measurements). First data available(5 CLAS days), more(60 days) to come at 6 GeV Measurements with polarized target will constrain the polarized GPD and combined with beam SSA measurements would allow precision measurement of unpolarized GPDs.

g MC vs Data Exclusive photon production simulated using a realistic MC(based on S.Korotkov’s code) From the comparison of reconstructed data and MC for exclusive pi0, You can see that we have a pretty good control over the pi0 background. Shown here are distributions for exclusive pi0, for pion energy,….. Exclusive photon production simulated using a realistic MC(based on S.Korotkov’s code) Kinematic distributions in x,Q2,t consistent with the CLAS data

p0 contamination Main unknown in corrections of photon SSA are the p0 contamination and its beam SSA. Use epgg to estimate the contribution of p0 in the ep and epg samples 1.0<Q2<2.0, 0.1<x<0.3 1.0<Q2<2.0, 0.1<t<0.45 Here you can see the pio contamination in the DVCS sample for a certain beam x,Q2 and x (ratio of Number of photons from pi0 to the total number of photons) as a function of the azimuthal angle. The right plot shows the beam SSA extracted from the CLAS data. The contamination is increasing at large t. Contamination from p0 photons increasing at large t and x and also at large f. Significant SSA measured for exclusive p0s also should be accounted

pion SSA from r(p+p-/p+p0) (CLAS @5.7GeV) r+ PYTHIA at 5.7 GeV r0 Larger fraction of p+ from r at low x and large z p+ SSA at large z may also have a significant (~20%) contribution from r Exclusive r (higher twist for SIDIS) crucial for pX and ppX studies

GPD extraction from Beam SSA:MC GPDs: MC-input corrected for p0 epg epX 0.3<x<0.4 2<Q2<3 only H Here you can see the pio contamination in the DVCS sample for a certain beam x,Q2 and x (ratio of Number of photons from pi0 to the total number of photons) as a function of the azimuthal angle. The right plot shows the beam SSA extracted from the CLAS data. The contamination is increasing at large t. Divide the ALU by the kinematic factor extracted on event by event sum (filled symbols: MC, empty: data) Statistics enough to separate H and H+x(F1+F2)H +kF2E (blue line) ~

correcting for p0 contamination Here you can see the pio contamination in the DVCS sample for a certain beam x,Q2 and x (ratio of Number of photons from pi0 to the total number of photons) as a function of the azimuthal angle. The right plot shows the beam SSA extracted from the CLAS data. The contamination is increasing at large t. Denominator corrected for the pion contamination for each bin

GPDs from ep->e’p’g Requirements for precision (<10%) measurements of GPDs from DVCS SSA: Define the procedure to extract GPDs from ALU effect of finite bins ~10% Define background corrections pion contamination ~10% radiative background VGG-99 p0 dominates the single photon sample at low Q2 in the kinematics where BH is small Precision measurements of GPDS require a detailed understanding of possible Background. In addition to the BH DVCS and there interference there are other processes Giving contributions to the observed exclusive photon sample, like pi-0 production and so called associated DVCS. So far the data was always plotted as the beam spin asymmetry, While the relevant quantity is the corresponding sin\phi moment. Typically the data was fitted by a simple sum of sin\phi and sin2\phi terms asumming No other moments play any role. For precision analysis, in particular for the sin2\phi moment other moments may play a significant role. Because of the rapidly changing prefactor, finite binning in x,Q^2 and phi introduces Terms with propagators which canceled in theory the ratio of Interference term and the BH contribution does not exactly cancel out in ratio of averages. Different procedures were applied to eliminate the pi0 background. For precision measurements Understanding of the background will be important and a possible approach will be to correct for pi0 Contribution instead of trying to eliminate it.

CLAS/DVCS (ep → epX) at 5.75 GeV VGG PRELIMINARY (not for circulation) 0.15 < xB< 0.4 1.50 < Q2 < 4.5 GeV2 -t < 0.5 GeV2 ~ DsLU ~ sinfIm{F1H + x(F1+F2)H +kF2E} DVCS beam SSA consistent with GPD based predictions No significant sin2f observed The final state photon was not detected and p0 contamination estimate relies on MC

SSA in exclusive pion production Target SSA at 27.5 GeV Beam SSA ALU at 6GeV ep->e’p+n HERMES W2>4GeV2, Q2>1.5GeV2 CLAS PRELIMINARY - Beam SSA and longitudinally pol. target SSA provide information on HT ( 0 at leading order)

Contributions to ep->e’p’g BH f=0 f=45 f=90 DVCS M. Vanderhaeghen et al. Phys.Rev.D60:094017,1999

BH cosf moment BH cosf moment can generate ~3% sin2f in the ALU Another factor are other azimuthal moments in the cross section, in particular The BH cos\phi, which can be as large as 20%. This is known precisely and Was included in our analysis. BH cosf moment can generate ~3% sin2f in the ALU

p0 beam SSA cross section Main unknown in corrections of photon SSA are the p0 contamination and its beam SSA. Use epgg to estimate the contribution of p0 in the ep and epg samples 1.6<Q2<2.6, 0.22<x<0.32 CLAS 5.7 GeV Here you can see the pio contamination in the DVCS sample for a certain beam x,Q2 and x (ratio of Number of photons from pi0 to the total number of photons) as a function of the azimuthal angle. The right plot shows the beam SSA extracted from the CLAS data. The contamination is increasing at large t. Contamination from p0 photons increasing at large t and x and also at large f. Significant SSA measured for exclusive p0s also should be accounted

Hall A at 6 GeV, future ideas Extend current configuration to xBj=0.6, Q2=4.0 GeV2 Add magnetic field near target to suppress Møller electrons. Increase luminosity to 1038/cm2/sec: H,D (e,e’g)X : s(MX2)  0.2 GeV2 < (M+mp)2-M2 Add Magnetic field and tracking detectors in front of calorimeter sufficient to identify charge of e+e- pairs: H(e,e’e+e-)p at small e+e- mass  [GPD/x]x=x (Suppress p0 Dalitz decay by missing mass).

CLAS12 - DVCS/BH Beam Asymmetry e p epg DsLU~sinfIm{F1H+..}df Sensitive to GPD H L = 1x1035 T = 2000 hrs ALU E=4.3 GeV Now we turn to exclusive measurements with CLAS-12 which is one of main driving forces of the JLAB upgrade to 12 GeV. First DVCS beam SSA. Left plot shows published CLAS data, which is integrated over all t,x,Q^2 bins. Right plot shows projections of the same asymmetry in tiny bins in x,Q^2 (\Delta Q2 = 1 GeV2, \Delta x = 0.05) as a function of t. S. Stepanyan et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001)

Collinearity kinematics HERMES CLAS-5.7 Strong dependence of collinearity kinematics changes region of enhanced t as afunction of beam energy

CLAS12 - DVCS/BH Target Asymmetry e p epg L = 2x1035 cm-2s-1 T = 1000 hrs DQ2 = 1GeV2 Dx = 0.05 E = 11 GeV Longitudinally polarized target ~ Ds~sinfIm{F1H+x(F1+F2)H...}df CLAS preliminary AUL E=5.75 GeV This slide shows target SSA for DVCS. Left plot existing data and right future projections. <Q2> = 2.0GeV2 <x> = 0.2 <-t> = 0.25GeV2

Meson production in GPD framework Only longitudinal photons GPDs GPDs Different final state mesons filter out different combinations of unpolarized (H,E) and polarized (H,E) GPDs. 2. Studies needed to define on how far is the asymptotic regime and guide theory in describing HT. ~ ~

[ ] ò Quark Angular Momentum Sum Rule ½ = ½ (Du+Dd+Ds) + Lq + Jg GPDs Hu, Hd, Eu, Ed provide access to total quark contribution to proton angular momentum. Proton’s spin ½ = ½ (Du+Dd+Ds) + Lq + Jg J q [ ] ò - x + - J G = = 1 ) , q( 2 E H xdx J q X. Ji, Phy.Rev.Lett.78,610(1997) One of the most exciting features of GPDs as pointed out by .. Is the direct link with elusive orbital momentum the main focus of this workshop. So the goal will be to measure the GPDs in accessible kineamtics, extrapolate to inaccessible and Calculate the orbital momentum. Large x contributions important.

Form Factor Studies Sachs Form Factors ~9 0% GE(t)=F1(t)+t/4M2*F2(t) GM(t)=F1(t)+F2(t) n It was shown that Formfactors measured at large t-can provide important imformation On the x-dependence of GPDs as the integrals at higher t are more sensitive to large X-behaviour of GPDs relevant for the OAM sum rule. This plots show fits to data, at high t coming from Jlab experiments on Electric (recoil pol. Technique) and magnetic FFs of proton and neutron(double polarization he3, and deuteron elastic). New experiments will extend proton Ge/Gm to 9(14) and neutron to 3.4(7) More data expected in 2006/2007

Form Factor Studies Use various parameterizations for GPDs to fit the existing form factor data A.Afanasev hep-ph/9910565 Diehl et al, Eur.Phys.J c39 (2005) M.Guidal et al PRD (2005) Different parameterizations yield different contributions for quarks to the OAM A)Large Ld and small Lu B)Sum of Lu and Ld small Different groups inclusing Andrei afanasev, Diehl and Guidal with collaborators used different parameterizations for GPDs to fit the data on FFs. The main issue here is that different realistic fits produce different values for contributions of U and d quark to the total orbital momentum as fits were done at large t requiring further extrapolations. The table I borrowed from Afanasev’s paper Shows spread for 3 different parameterizations. It is clear that more observables are needed, with more sensitivity at small t and large x. DVCS is one of the cleanest processes providing info on GPDs. Issues: different realistic fits to FFs produce different values for Lq fits done at high t, need to be extrapolated to t→0 More observables needed for detailed studies of GPDs and the OAM (RCS,DVCS,DVMP)

Transversity GPDs with exclusive r,r+ hard Large momentum transfer, large rapidity gap Virtual photon replaced with 2 gluons hard (courtesy M. Vanderhaeghen) GPD Smaller rapidity gap r+ selects quark antiquark exchange with the nucleon. Long distance part described by GPD HT Ivanov et al. hep-ph/0401157

Hard Exclusive Meson Production(HMP) Belitsky hep-ph/0307256 (ep->e’p+n) Q2=4 GeV2 ~ Corrections applied Im H Q2=10 GeV2 D2=-0.3GeV2 ~ E ~ ReH No significant variations in SSA “precocious scaling” Only longitudinal cross sections Large power correction to cross section

Physics Motivation Describe the complex nucleon structure in terms of quark and gluon degrees of freedom. parton distributions angular momentum gluon polarization hard Exclusive production of photons and hadrons in hard scattering kinematics. test QCD based predictions (assuming factorization) for different observables and measure underlying GPDs. studies of applicability of partonic picture in exclusive reactions GPDs The main goal is to study the nucleon structure in terms of partonic degrees of freedom. From three main ingredients, JLab program is focused on parton distributions and in particular Observables related to angular momentum of quarks. From 8 GPDs Describing the nucleon structure we have relatively clear understanding how to access first 4, And we hope that in future we may be able to probe transversity GPDs using their relations With TMDs. the Boer-Mulders. Main processes of interest are exclusive production of photons and hadrons in hard scattering Kinematics. While photon production is already proved to be a clean tool to acces GPDs, work is also going on with Pseudoscalar and vector mesons to study the applicability of partonic picture in exclusive reactions

Ratio p/h= / Eides,Frankfurt,Strikman 1998 CLAS Preliminary Requires separation of longitudinal and transverse contributions

Flavor Separation and Helicity-Dependent GPDs Ok now we turn to mesons where things are less clear. As it was already discussed mesons if the GPD formalism will work will Provide important information on flavor dependence. Vector and pseudoscalar meson production allows to separate flavor and isolates the helicity-dependent GPDs.

DVCS Experiments CLAS at 4.3 GeV HERMES 27 GeV A(f) = asinf + bsin2f Published dvcs experiments on DVCS. This was a big step. The data was enough to demonstrate the existence of The signal, it was to few to plot any significant kinematic dependences. Since then a lot more data was accumulated many groups are doing analysis. So what are the main problems we try to overcome? A(f) = asinf + bsin2f S. Stepanyan et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001) A. Airapetian et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001)

Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering ep->e’p’g dQ2dxBdtd ~ |TDVCS + TBH|2 DVCS BH GPD TBH : given by elastic form factors TDVCS: determined by GPDs Polarized beam, unpolarized target: ~ DsLU ~ sinfIm{F1H + x(F1+F2)H +kF2E} DVCS Kinematically suppressed BH Unpolarized beam, longitudinal target: ~ DsUL ~ sinfIm{F1H+x(F1+F2)(H +.. } With unpolarized and polarized targets the single photon production cross section Has contributions from DVCS itself from Bete-Heitler and from their interference. The plot shows contributions from BH (red line) DVCS (blue line) and total for CLAS, HERMES and COMPASS energies as a function of momentum transfer to proton (t=(p1-p2)^2). Corresponding contributions from the interference term \sigma_LU, \sigma_UL and \sigma_UT are sensitive To different combinations of GPDs H, H~ and E. Measurements of corresponding azimuthal moments will allow separation of different contributions and extraction of underlying GPDs. Measurement of both GPDs H~ and E~ require a good knowledge of H, so the measurement of H is the main focus. Kinematically suppressed x = xB/(2-xB ),k = t/4M2 Unpolarized beam, transverse target: Different GPD combinations accessible as azimuthal moments of the total cross section. DsUT ~ sinfIm{k1(F2H-F1E ) +.. } Kinematically suppressed