LO: SWBAT determine the meaning of words as used in a text by finding and analyzing context clues. (R.I 8.4) Integration (noun): the act of bringing together or incorporating (parts) into a whole, in regards to race, sex, religion, etc. Reconciliation (noun): when former enemies agree to an friendly truce, or settle a dispute.
Wariness (noun): caution about possible dangers or problems. LO: SWBAT determine the meaning of words as used in a text by finding and analyzing context clues. (R.I 8.4) Sincerity (noun): the quality of being free from dishonesty or trickery. Wariness (noun): caution about possible dangers or problems.
Perused (verb): to examine or read something carefully LO: SWBAT determine the meaning of words as used in a text by finding and analyzing context clues. (R.I 8.4) Inconsistencies (noun): errors that show a lack of sameness or continuity. Perused (verb): to examine or read something carefully
Foresee (verb): to be aware of beforehand; to predict. LO: SWBAT determine the meaning of words as used in a text by finding and analyzing context clues. (R.I 8.4) Foresee (verb): to be aware of beforehand; to predict. Resented (verb): to feel bitterness towards or frustration about; annoyance
Remorseful (adjective): filled with regret; sorry. LO: SWBAT determine the meaning of words as used in a text by finding and analyzing context clues. (R.I 8.4) Articulate (adjective): (of a person or a person's words) having or showing the ability to speak fluently and clearly. Remorseful (adjective): filled with regret; sorry.
Incredulously (adverb): in a manner indicating or showing disbelief LO: SWBAT determine the meaning of words as used in a text by finding and analyzing context clues. (R.I 8.4) Forthright (adjective): aggressively direct and outspoken; forward and honest. Incredulously (adverb): in a manner indicating or showing disbelief