How to Create an Annotated bibliography How to Create an Annotated bibliography Ginger Lejeune
What is an annotated bibliography? In an annotated bibliography, each citation is immediately followed by a brief descriptive and/or critical paragraph called an annotation. After using the source in your research, you write the annotation yourself, following your teacher’s instructions about what to include.
What is the purpose of an annotated bibliography? Helps with your research project because you must examine each source carefully. Gives your audience/reader (teacher) a brief description of each source you used. Also gives you a deeper understanding of your subject & will help you to formulate a thesis, when required.
examine a variety of sources & choose the best ones Locate both print and online sources. Select authoritative sources, such as a scholarly publication, vetted database, or university website. Avoid websites with no credentials. Read some of each source to learn which ones will work best for your assignment.
Create a citation for each source You may use Noodle Tools to create your MLA style annotated bibliography online. The MLA Bibliography Format is also available on a handout in the library. Remember that you are ultimately responsible for the correct formatting of your citations.
Write a concise annotation for each source Note: Annotations may be different for each assignment. Always follow each teacher’s directions for what to include in your annotations for a specific project. Identify how the source was useful for this research assignment. Describe the content & focus of the source. Comment on the intended audience and/or bias of the source. Record your reactions to the source. Compare or contrast this source to others you have cited.
Sample Annotated Bibliography entry for an MLA Works Cited Page Davidson, Linda Ann. The Struggle to Write Our First Constitution. New York: Macmillan, 2006. Davidson's book provides a thorough examination of the issues faced by the founding fathers during the first Constitutional Convention and includes full text of many of the pivotal speeches and debates. The contributions of Madison and Hamilton are analyzed in great detail.
Final steps Alphabetize your citations. Check for errors in MLA format. Proofread the entire bibliography
Annotated Bibliography This very useful process will assist you in your future academic pursuits!