Satisfaction of SEND Services Survey Central Bedfordshire 2018
Strategy Meeting Agenda Welcome & introductions SNAP PCF update Examples of co-production Survey results Coffee break Question & answer session Action points/next steps Close
Update from SNAP PCF Became a Community Interest Company Relaunched our branding Created a new website Developed the website with an events calendar and useful links tab Started running coffee morning in Leighton Buzzard Widened parent participation - Parent Panels Wrote a report and presented our findings from our Satisfaction of SEND Services Survey to heads of departments from the local authority, health authority and key partners. Next steps – set up coffee mornings following the locality model, Autumn mini-PfA conference, annual conference, increase our membership and parents’ knowledge.
Examples of co-production Conference Joint outcomes training Short Breaks School Transport PfA – Roadshow Education – Autumn term Parent Panels
Q1. What is your child/young person's gender?
Q2. What age range is your child or young person?
Q3. Which type of educational setting does your child/young person attend?
Q4. What type of needs has your child been assessed as having?
Q5. Which of the following apply to your child/young person?
Q6. Please tell us how well you think your child/young person's needs have been identified by:
Q7. Please tell us how well your views were taken into account when your child/young person's needs were identified by:
Q8. How well do YOU understand your child/young person's needs?
Q9. Overall, how well do you think Health, Education and Social Care understand your child/young person's needs?
Q10. How satisfied are you with the ongoing monitoring and assessment of your child/young person's needs?
Q11. How well do you think your child/young person's needs are met by the following service areas?
Q12. As a parent carer how involved are you in setting targets and outcomes for your child/young person?
Q13. How well do you think services and professionals work together to support your child/young person?
Q14. Overall how well do the services your child/young person uses help them to reach their potential?
Q14. Overall how well do the services your child/young person uses help them to reach their potential? (Continued)
Q15. How easy do you find it to get information about what services are available and what they do?
Q16. How would you rate the provision provided locally?
Q17. Have you heard of the 0-25 Central Bedfordshire SEN & Disability Local Offer?
Q18. If you HAVE used the 0-25 Central Bedfordshire SEN & Disability Local Offer, how well did you find what you were looking for?
Q19. Do you feel your child/young person has the help they need to achieve their best possible outcomes?
Q20. Do you feel there is anything that the Local Authority and the Health Authority could change to make things easier for your child/young person and your family? More training provided to teachers in terms of the variety of SEND pupils and strategies they can use to make their classrooms inclusive for all Simplify the SEN and EHCP paperwork. Put more resources into school and give staff more SEN training. Listen to parents views. Explain what everything mean more half the time I don’t understand the jargon Listen to feedback from parents - the experts in children with difficulties. Work together to find ways to spend less on what's not needed, and spend more on what is needed! Offer short breaks and support for families who don’t meet criteria but are clearly in crisis
Q21. Is there any piece of advice you could give parent carers who are at the start of their journey? You are not a monster for wanting what your child deserves, so don’t be made to feel that way. Just keep chasing what you need and find comfort in those fighting the same battles as you. YOU are the expert about your child, the professionals are experts about conditions not specific children. Stand your ground and fight for what you KNOW to be right for your child. Get informed about your rights, knowledge is power. Have the courage to challenge any professional that is involved if you do not feel they are right Early intervention is key You need lots of patience!
Q21. Is there any piece of advice you could give parent carers who are at the start of their journey? Strap in - link yourself into other parents. They know more than most practitioners and it can be a lonely intimidating place sometimes and other parents are the only ones who understand Don’t expect anything to happen quickly and don’t expect an easy fix Talk to other parents. Until the professionals are forthcoming, other parents have the best advice and experience. That it will be ok, your path will be a different one and you will have to learn to be brave and take on fights, but you and your child will be okay
How can we improve the offer to families who are at SEN Support? Question one
How can we develop the information available to parents? Question two How can we develop the information available to parents?
Question three Thinking about the parents responses from: Q20 Do you feel there is anything that Central Bedfordshire Council and the Health Authority could change to make things easier for your child/young person and your family? And, Q21, Is there any piece of advice you could give parent carers who are at the start of their journey? What are your thoughts on how to improve the experience for families and what is your gift to give?
Next steps/action points
Thank you for attending SNAP PCF 2018 Strategy meeting