The Resource and Initiative Unit for International Co-operation


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Presentation transcript:

The Resource and Initiative Unit for International Co-operation CR2i The Resource and Initiative Unit for International Co-operation

The French Ministry of Education Lifelong learning (LLL) A three-fold mission : - The basic education of young people (in both general and vocational fields) - The vocational integration of young people - The further education of adults (GRETA network)

The CR2i - A department set up in 1990 by the French Education Ministry - Integrated into a structure under ministerial supervision : the CIEP (Centre International d’Etudes Pédagogiques – The International Centre for Educational Studies )

Le CR2i Activities Missions Lifelong learning Promoting European and international programmes - Providing technical support in setting up projects - Training the various players - Giving expert advice to the OECD, UNESCO ASEM, etc. - Conducting projects with the GRETA Network

A European projet operator 31 European projects submitted in 2004 22 European projects running in 2005 In liaison with Regional education authorities and their partners (Institutional partners, social partners, trade sector organisations, local governmental structures, …)

In 2005 The CR2i, A pilot 3 Equal projects, 2 leonardo projects, 1 ESF (Obj3) A partner 4 Equal projects, 11 Leonardo da Vinci projects 1 Socrates Project

CR2i - The team Maria-Edwige RUDOWSKI, Head of the CR2i 3 senior and 4 junior project managers 1 documentalist associated experts (inspecteurs, universitaires, consultants) Partners within regional Education authorities

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