CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDES Tommy's Window Slideshow GIVING THANKS ♫ Turn on your speakers! CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDES If you can't be thankful for what you receive, be thankful for what you escape.
I've been countin' up my blessin's, I've been summin' up my woes, But I ain't got the conclusion Some would naturally suppose.
Why I quit a-countin' troubles a'fore I had half a score, While the more I count my blessin's I keep a-findin' more and more. There's been things that weren't exactly as I thought they'd ought to be, And I've often growled at Providence for not a-pettin' me.
But I hadn't stopped to reckon what the other side had been: How much o'good an' blessin' had been thickly crowded in. For there's been a rift of sunshine after every shower of tears, And I've found a load of laughter scattered all along the years.
If the thorns have pricked me sometimes, I've good reason to suppose Love has hidden often from me 'neath the rapture of the rose. So I'm gonna still be thankful for the sunshine and the rain, For the joy that's made me happy, For the purgin' done by pain.
For the love of little children, For the friends that have been true, For the guidin' hand that's led me Every threatenin' danger through! -- L.A. Tubbs
“In Every Thing Give Thanks” Do you have the spirit of heaviness today? God waits to give you gladness, if you'll take up the garments of praise and just begin to thank Him for what He is and what He's done for you! He begins to work for you when you begin to praise Him! “In Every Thing Give Thanks” ( 1Thessalonians 5:18 ). Happy Thanksgiving! IF YOU LIKED THIS SLIDESHOW PLEASE PASS IT ON! For more PowerPoint shows visit: