MuonGeoModel status of progress on main items Validation and RTT Access to condition data Alignment MDT Deformations Clashes Cut-out Performance Optimization EDM issues 13/01/2019 Atlas Muon SW
Access to condition data Validation and RTT validation of the new path to fill Oracle tables; comparing R-Light with R-Light-TEST MuonGeoModel vs MuonGeoModel ok (differences <1micron) Start defining MuonGeoModel RTT AmdcMGM on R-Light-TEST for each tube and strip/wire gang dump global position + compare with a reference (for most relevant layouts); code+python available; it needs to make automatic the comparison. Check consistency of diff. versions of MuonGeoModel hit-relocation: simulate geantino hits + run hit relocation; output: ntuple; algorithm + python available; to be defined root macro to generate standard plots. Check coherence of raw geometry (simulation) w.r.t. readout geometry (reconstruction) AmdcMGM (by J.F. Laporte): build Amdc transient model + MuonGeoModel; compare global positions of each tube/strip/wire; code+python available. Check coherence of two models (help enforcing coherence with primary number conventions) Stephane W. offered to set up the RTT infrastructure ! Access to condition data MuonGeoModel-00-05-01 (in 13.0.30) gets A-lines from COOL using IOV svc via GeoModelSvc/Tool general infrastructure (allows also simulation to be init with some condition data) simulation ability still to be verified needs a fix (resetting XxxReadoutElement’s cache when alignment constants change) – DONE – will go in next tag (13.X.0 ?) 13/01/2019 Atlas Muon SW
Alignment MDT Deformations Clashes Cut-out new validation work by R. Harrington – under way few small inconsistencies (~10microns) in C side between Amdc and MGM –known since DD mini review- still to be further investigated MDT Deformations new agreed convention (C. Amelung et al., Sept 3, Muon Alignment Meeting) Ivan L. implementing the kernel function in MuonGeoModel after the new convention access to B-lines from COOL to be enabled and tested; access methods to B-lines container to be provided Clashes GEANT4 recursive test (depth: 7 levels from Muon System tree top) very successful on latest tags Needs tests of simulation with new version of GEANT4 (with improved multiple scattering) Still to be optimized feet region Cut-out automatic GeoModel tool not used yet 13/01/2019 Atlas Muon SW
Performance Optimization one HLT process is supposed to run in a processor with 1 GByte ram: memory vs cpu time MuonGeoModel (via the new tracking methods) allocates memory incrementally by building a cache with transforms for each MDT tube and RPC/TGC/CSC gas gap ! proposal to have a switch enabling/disabling the caching mechanism to check the benefit of caching, if any; under way. Performance test will be done by running TrigMoore more caching + access via hash id was proposed by the reconstruction community wait for the outcome of HLT performance tests EDM issues a bug report concerning a single RPC surface for gas gap with two different strip panels … this is a feature, not suitable for new tracking ??? Id hashes for XxxReadoutElements (see twiki…): XxxReadoutElements vs Data Collections (see twiki…): Mdt multilayer DD // Mdt chamber (2 multilayers) Data Collection Rpc module DD // Rpc set (typically 2 Rpc modules) Data Collection Tgc chamber DD // Tgc chamber Data Collection Csc chamber layer DD // Csc chamber (2 layers) Data Collection in a loop over a Collection, this implies using hit identifiers to retrieve the relevant XxxReadoutElement NOT OPTIMAL (see hn….) disc surfaces for TGC – on hold 13/01/2019 Atlas Muon SW