CARE consortium accountability strategy Beneficiary accountability in the community resilience project in Grande-Anse – real time feedback to inform on beneficiary satisfaction La CCP a ete innovee au Malawi dans le cadre d’un project de sante de la reproduction. Elle a depuis gagner en popularite au sein et en dehors de CARE; Le . Le suivi participatif est le pillier central de l’approche gouvernance inclusive de CARE International. Le fondement/soubassement du travail de suivi participatif de CARE est l’augmentation continue du volume d’interactions entre prestataires et usagers de service au tour de la performance et la qualite des services fournis. Ceci est realiser a travers: l’encouragement/promotion du feedback des usagers des services sur la performance et la qualite des services fournis par une unite de service; Fournir les prestataires et decideurs locaux d’un canal d’information sur la perception des citoyens/users sur la performance et la qualite des services fournis. Pour CARE le suivi participatif a un double interet: (i) permettre aux usagers des services d’evaluer eux-meme la performance et la qualite de la prestation des services et partager leur perception sur leur satisfaction en rapport avec le service evaluer. (ii) d’un autre cote le suivi participatif permet aux prestataires de service et/ou autorites locale et nationale de connaitre la perception des usagers d’un service quelconque sur la qualite, les resultats/impacts, et prendre les mesures correctives/amelioration de la qualite et/ou performance. Objectifs: Augmenter la redevabilite sur les engagements pris: Impliquer les citoyens comme usagers a demander des comptes aux prestataires Evaluation de l’efficacite + la qualite des resultats: Suivi participatif d’une intervention – ce qui marche et ce qui ne marche pas CARE consortium accountability strategy January 13, 2019
CARE Consortium accountability strategy Aims: Strengthen target groups feedback to enhance: Local ownership of CRP intervention Beneficiaries voice in the CRP implementation & decision making Create avenues for dialogue to: Increase beneficiaries satisfaction – reduce unintended negative effects Improve relationships with target groups – beneficiaries & local authorities Generate real time data to: Evidence the performance of the project over project lifespan Evidence of challenges & successes Systematic info sharing; and collection, response, & report on beneficiary feedback Approach: 1. Improved relationships with beneficiaries 2. Enhanced ownership of CRP interventions Outcomes The implementation of the accountability strategy will focus more on the project delivery level due to time constraint. Target Results Result1: Quality of CRP coordination Result2: Performance & quality of the CRP Result3: CRP beneficiary satisfaction Result4: Target beneficiaries voice in CRP decision making January 13, 2019
Accountability strategy focus Comparable Satisfaction Ownership Complaints Capacity development Quarterly VSLA DRRM Bridges Social protection Data to inform Annual Quality of relationship Performance On the status of beneficiary interaction with the CRP over time – evidence of impact January 13, 2019
Accountability dialogue Beneficiary accountability system systematicReporting Real time data on beneficiary satisfaction Obj.: Continuous info sharing Channels: hot desk, sms, update Information sharing Obj.: Close the feedback loop – inform on corrective actions Channels: Hot desk; radio; etc. Obj.: Continuous feedback Channels: Quarterly micro survey; feedback ledge; sms; scorecard Corrective actions/measures follow up Beneficiary voice in CRP implementation Feedback gathering Obj.: Feed management with real time feedback Channels: PMU, and PIT For further details on the process to undergo for each of the building block of the system, do read the implementation guide. Project management Feedback review meeting Accountability dialogue Ob.: Open dialogue & systematic response to feedback Channels: CAF; Open accountability day; radio programmes
Implementation plan 4 the strategy Beneficiary accountability used as strategy for sustainability Pilot the beneficiary feedback system in two communities: 1 peri-urban community close Jeremie and 1 remote rural community Context On project implementation/delivery to generate data on beneficiary feedback on CRP: (i) effectiveness ; (ii) relevance; & (iii) quality of project interventions. 3 target groups: LA, direct & indirect beneficiary Focus Seek & respond to beneficiary feedback on project activities Draw comparable data on beneficiary satisfaction – real time data to evidence CRP experience Objective Design feedback system & share work plan :15th June15 Finalise working documents and test tools – 10th July15 Implementation of activities start on – 15th July15 Process Resource Staff time – M&E & accountability focal points – 2 days/month Feedback database & sms system – 10th July15 Learning Documentation of the feedback system – end of cycle/fiscal year Refine the system for wide sharing, and scale up – Sept2016 January 13, 2019
Operationalisation of the feedback system Info sharing Monthly activity plan update sharing Monthly review of community feedback ledges Regular sms alerts Account officer with support from M&E Set survey database and application for collection, analysis and reporting Calendar for field survey & CAF meetings SMS and feedback ledge for confidential & non confidential solicited Solicited Feedback Account officer; FO& M&E with support from PQL Open dialogue Account officer; FO & account focal points with support from PQL Quarterly forum to discuss & agree corrective actions on shared feedback: immediately after micro survey Use radio to discuss issues/queries raised from micro surveys – quarter Yearly forum to showcase project activities Reporting Account officer; FO& M&E with support from PQL Quarterly report on beneficiary satisfaction on CRP activities Quarterly report on CRP corrective actions January 13, 2019
Pilot & scale up phases of the feedback system 3 communities: 1 per partner – IRC; CARE & B2P July – October 15: Purpose: capacity transfer to CRP partners Focus: info sharing; micro survey + dialogue Pilot phase Account officer and M&E, with PQL support All target communities: sample of formed groups Nov15 – Jun16: Purpose: systematic application of the feedback system Focus: consolidate experience on the feedback system Scale up phase Account officer and M&E officers, with PQL support Links with communications strategy – at information sharing levels; and dialogue on beneficiary feedback through satisfaction micro survey PQL support & leadership Use of existing resources: materials like PDA for micro survey & staff time – set working groups of CRP M&E and comms staff Specific guidance 2 channels for feedback on misconduct: feedback ledge commissioned to a community accountability focal point (to be identified and train); & contact numbers for sms and calls January 13, 2019 Report on beneficiary feedback in all quarterly report
Analysis and response to collected feedback Type of feedback Collection channel Analysis Response channel Reporting – responsible Feedback on activities Micro survey First level of automatic analysis – by the account officer & M&E Joint analysis with beneficiary in community meetings – Account officer & M&E officer with Support from Account Advisor + impact measurement advisor Community account forums – M&E & Account officers; Radio – Account officer + comms advisor; Cty meeting Accountability officer & M&E officer, with Support from PQL Feedback/complaints on malpractices Feedback ledge Monthly analysis – Accountability officer - Monthly through Hot Desk – Account officer & M&E Confidential feedback/complaints SMS or call Instant analysis based on the severity of reported cases Monthly analysis Individual responses – PQL/PC/ACDP Radio messages – Account Officer and comms advisor January 13, 2019