Parent workshop to introduce our revised behaviour policy Welcome back Parent workshop to introduce our revised behaviour policy
Your opinion counts! What do you expect from a school in relation to behaviour management? Parent’s answers: communication, fairness, involvement, consistency, advise, discipline, equality, firmness, parental involvement, praise for good behaviour, recognition of individual achievements. What should we expect from you? Parent’s answers: support, communication, patience, involvement, co-operation, to be informed of significant events out of school that effect behaviour, understanding, trust, help, responsibility, interest
Rewards Right choices/DOJO’s Golden tickets Star of the week House points 4 houses: Lighthouse crew, Beach crew, Lifeboat crew, Church crew One Y6 captain voted by crew. Children have already voted for the leader of their crew Stickers given for showing links to school values. Chart will be displayed in the front of school. (No sticker charts as parents have expressed concerns about these) Tablecloth lunch
Class Behaviour sheet/Warning system At the start of every lesson, the teacher will set expectations for good behaviour. If a child does not conform to the set expectations for the class they are given an individual reminder. Examples of behaviour that may result in a child receiving a reminder and then a warning are: Deliberately disrupting lessons Continually calling out Absence from a class without permission Constant, inappropriate chatting Unkind behaviour Poking others Swinging on chairs,
First warning First Warning: If the child has to be reminded again after a gentle reminder, their name is put on the class behaviour sheet
Yellow card warning Yellow card Warning: If this behaviour persists, the child is given a yellow card and the 5 minutes box is ticked. The child is then given 5 minutes reflection time during the next break time. This will take place in the classroom, supervised by a member of the year group team. If the misdemeanour occurs in the afternoon lesson, then the 5 mins should be taken from the child’s playtime the next day.
Red card warning Red card – if a child has had a yellow card warning and then continues to misbehave, a red card will be given If given a red card, the child will be excluded from the class for 15 minutes and sent to Mrs Mejri or Mrs Heaps. They do not take work with them for this reflection time. The child will complete a reflective activity for 15 minutes about what has happened.
3,6,9 sheet There are some types of behaviour that should be recorded directly onto a 369 Sheet. Examples of behaviour that will result in an incident being recorded straight onto the 369 Sheet are: Physical assault Threatening/aggressive behaviour Racism/Sexism/intolerance to people being different and use of language that makes other people feel bad about themselves Bullying Non-compliance Swearing Wilful damage/destruction of property Stealing It may arise that a chid misbehaves in such a way that a more immediate fixed term/permanent exclusion is deemed necessary. This may be internal or external.
3, 6, 9 sheet The purpose of the 3 6 9 Sheet is to monitor the progress of those children who continually behave inappropriately. It is expected that this sheet will not need to be used for the majority of children at Happisburgh. If a child has 3 entries on their 3 6 9 Sheet, parents are sent a letter (with a copy of the sheet) from the class teacher and are invited to attend a meeting to discuss how we can work together to improve the child’s behaviour. At stage 6, Mrs Heaps will make an appointment to discuss the child’s behaviour with the teacher and parents. At stage 9, Mrs Mejri will contact parents. Finally, if a child reaches stage 12, the Senior Leadership Team will decide whether it is appropriate for him/her to be excluded from school for a fixed term. Members of the Leadership Team will regularly monitor class sheets and the class behaviour files. The 3, 6, 9 sheets are reviewed at the end of each term with the child and class teacher, parents. Where appropriate, a child can be either be removed from the 3 6 9 system or taken back to a suitable stage. For extremely serious incident, a child may be excluded for a fixed term without going through the 3,6,9 system. It is essential that every step of the 3, 6, 9 stages is followed consistently and fairly.
Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.