Walk-In Take out notebook, folder, pencil box, and agenda. Put backpack away. Put green slip in basket. At the back of your notebook, write the title Walk In, and the date. Answer in sentences : Why are safety rules important in science?
Title: Science Safety Rules
Build Background - Safety Precautions What is the root word of precaution? CAUTION! It means BE CAREFUL!
Science Safety Rules and Precautions Always walk - do not run! Use only the materials in your lab bin. Do not share/trade with other groups. Wear safety goggles or safety glasses any time you are directed to. If a chemical spills, let the teacher know and follow the clean-up procedures you are told. Tie long hair back when working with sources of heat, chemicals or moving parts.
Wash your hands thoroughly if you get a chemical on them. Never smell a chemical. Instead, waft it (wave it) toward your nose, to get a whiff of it. Place broken glass in the Broken Glass container on the back counter. Let the teacher know if glass needs to be swept up from the floor. Be very careful near hot plates used for heating water or other substances. No “horseplay” is allowed! Any unsafe actions or unsafe use of materials will result in being sent to ISI for the remainder of the period.
Check for Understanding Do any of these not make sense?!?? How many people could have predicted these are our safety rules, without us having a quiz on them? Any rules that don’t make sense?
But we DO need to prove we know them! We are having a quiz tomorrow on the Safety Rules that are on your Science Letter sent home to parents last week. We want to avoid this:
Practice Lab Safety Poster Write your name, date and period # in the TOP RIGHT CORNER. Fold your paper in half. Write a safety rule across the top of your paper. Label the LEFT side WRONG WAY. Label the RIGHT side RIGHT WAY. Draw and color an illustration that clearly explains the difference and shows why the rule is important. If you have time, do a second rule on the back. WATCH THE VIDEO ABOUT USING MARKERS AND CRAYONS! (Yep, seriously!)
Explain how to safely smell a chemical. Walk-In Take out notebook, folder, pencil box, and agenda. Put backpack away. Put green slip in basket. At the back of your notebook, write the title Walk In, and the date. Answer in sentences : Explain how to safely smell a chemical.
Safety Precautions Review Write the question numbers from 1 to 10 in your notebook. Write your answer A, B or C to each question as it is shown. Check your work after each question.
1. Which rule is this? Wear safety goggles whenever you are directed to. Always walk, never run in the lab. If a chemical spills, tell the teacher and follow the directions for clean-up.
2. Which rule is this? Wear safety goggles whenever you are directed to. Always walk, never run in the lab. If a chemical spills, tell the teacher and follow the directions for clean-up.
3. Which rule is this? Wear safety goggles whenever you are directed to. Always walk, never run in the lab. If a chemical spills, tell the teacher and follow the directions for clean-up.
4. Which rule is this? Use only the chemicals assigned to your group. Don’t share materials with other groups. Place broken glass in the container marked Broken Glass. Be careful next to hot plates, boiling water and other heat sources.
5. Which rule is this? Use only the chemicals assigned to your group. Don’t share materials with other groups. Place broken glass in the container marked Broken Glass. Be careful next to hot plates, boiling water and other heat sources.
6. Which rule is this? Use only the chemicals assigned to your group. Don’t share materials with other groups. Place broken glass in the container marked Broken Glass. Be careful next to hot plates, boiling water and other heat sources.
7. Which rule is this? No horseplay or unsafe behavior allowed during labs. Wash your hands thoroughly if a chemical gets on them, Never smell a chemical. Instead, “waft” it (wave it) toward your nose.
8. Which rule is this? No horseplay or unsafe behavior allowed during labs. Wash your hands thoroughly if a chemical gets on them, Never smell a chemical. Instead, “waft” it (wave it) toward your nose.
9. Which rule is this? No horseplay or unsafe behavior allowed during labs. Wash your hands thoroughly if a chemical gets on them, Never smell a chemical. Instead, “waft” it (wave it) toward your nose.
10. Which rule is this? No horseplay or unsafe behavior allowed during labs. Tie long hair back when working with moving objects or heat sources. Never smell a chemical. Instead, “waft” it (wave it) toward your nose.
We are ready to work as scientists! LET’S TAKE THE SAFETY QUIZ!
Safety Video Watch this video clip. Which rules are the same as ours? Which are different? Now get ready to take the quiz!