有关中芯学校附近路段的 交通安全的重要提示 Important Notice on Morning Drop-off and Traffic Safety 有关中芯学校附近路段的 交通安全的重要提示
Current Status 20% increase of traffic volume in front of ES gate for this school year. Increase of personal vehicles Up to 4000 people arrive to school each day Certain parents or drivers do not obey school rules on safety
WHAT THE SCHOOL IS DOING Designate an area for drivers to drop off students, called the “10-Second Zone” Put up signs for “No U Turns” Provide 6 to 8 adult supervisors during arrival and dismissal times in Elementary School Work with city and police officials to increase road safety and enforcement Educate our students and families about safety rules and procedures
WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU Drop off your child(ren) in the “10 Second Zone” No U-turns are allowed on Qingtong Road No double parking on Qingtong Road No parking in the restricted area outside school gate On school days, during the following periods, no motor vehicles are allowed to enter and exit from the parking lot of the Elementary School 7:30-8:30 15:00-15:30 16:00 – 16:35
Elementary Gate 10-second zone and drop-off
Traffic Flow for Drop-off Zones
Pictures of Parents/Drivers Violating School Traffic Safety Rules
Abandoned Car in the 10-Second Zone
The kids have to get out of the vehicle by stepping into oncoming traffic.
The woman and child are getting out of the car in the wrong lane, not the 10-second zone. Then they’re crossing the traffic in the 10 second zone to get onto the sidewalk. Sometimes, people don’t even look when crossing the 10 second zone so they step in front of oncoming traffic.
The car was parked the wrong way going against traffic The car was parked the wrong way going against traffic. Then in order to leave, they made a u-turn, blocking traffic as they tried to turn.
This car was abandoned in the 10 second zone completely blocking traffic in that lane.
Car on the Crossing
Dropping off Students in the Middle of the Road
10-Second Zone No Parking Area Traffic Safety Tips These are the school notices on traffic safety sent out in school year 2016 – 2017 for your perusal 10-Second Zone No Parking Area Traffic Safety Tips
交通安全无小事 10秒区域要牢记 防微杜渐靠重视 大家一起来坚持