STAAR Post Administration Activities January 17, 2018
Welcome! Introductions/Housekeeping Outbound review Material returns Labels, packing, shipping, and more Reconciliation and ADPL Reporting and additional reports Resolutions, test information changes, score codes Forms and other changes
Housekeeping For problems hearing the presentation, dial in on a telephone. Dial-in information: in the Event Info tab at the top-left of the screen in your registration email Dialing in for audio is recommended for best sound quality. All attendees’ lines have been muted due to the high number of participants. For questions or comments, use the “Q&A” function.
Packing and returning materials What is the process? Packing and returning materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting Pac
Material Returns Helpful Hints Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting Material Returns Helpful Hints Make sure all your subjects are in the box! Campus & Group ID Header Sheet Class ID Header Sheet Answer Document Packing List (ADPL) Answer Documents Return all OOD/OOS answer documents under the correct home CDC header sheets (precoded header sheet for each home CDC). Do not include online counts on ADPL. Use student verification check-in to ensure all answer documents are accounted for.
Material Returns Helpful Hints Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting Material Returns Helpful Hints Double check the numbers. Use the return labels to ship materials. Don’t forget to mail the Oath of Test Security!
Packing and return of materials Scorables: Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting Make sure your numbers add up! All documents that require scanning All precoded answer documents (including voided) Non-precoded answer documents – with ANY grids/markings (including voided) Contaminated answer documents should be transcribed and signed. Destroy at testing site in a secure manner.
Packing and return of materials Nonscorables: Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting Make sure your numbers add up! All test booklets Contaminated test booklets should be destroyed by districts but reported to ETS). Unused/blank answer documents (NO gridding or marking)
What is an ID Sheet/Header Sheet? Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting Used to identify the documents beneath it, home district and campus, and the number of documents for each subject Three types of identification sheets – scorable materials: Class Identification (ID) Sheet Campus and Group ID Sheet Voided Answer Document ID Sheet
What is an ID Sheet/Header Sheet? Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting All scorable materials must be returned beneath the appropriate ID sheets/header. Every answer document with any score code marked must be returned for scoring. All answer documents will be scored and results provided for every answer document submitted.
Campus and Group ID Sheet Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting Campus and Group ID Sheet Complete for each grade/subject test at each campus. Group answer documents accordingly. Place reports and labels generated for all documents under each sheet.
Class Identification Sheet Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting Class Identification Sheet Determine organization of test results by grade: By administrator, principal, teacher, etc. Group answer documents accordingly. Follow the instructions to complete Class ID sheet for each class. Place the completed Class ID Sheet on each set of answer documents.
VOID Answer Document ID Sheet Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting VOID Answer Document ID Sheet Separate voids from those to be scored. Mark “VOID” in large, bold letters on the front. Avoid marking any barcoded regions. Void unused precoded answer documents; return with scorables. Face all documents the same direction. Stack multi-page documents on top of single-page documents. Fill out one Voided Answer Document ID Sheet for voided answer documents, as specified in the instructions.
Inbound Packing Reference List Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting Ensure each belly-banded stack has either a Campus or Void Header. Ensure you have included the correct ADPL for each administration. Ensure the ADPL label is on box one.
Inbound Packing Reference List (continued) Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting Ensure the correct box is used to return your materials. Check for correct shipping label for each administration. Check for correct administration label on the side of the box. Do NOT mix administrations. Properly mark X of Y on your boxes. Do NOT combine administrations in box totals. Do NOT count nonscorable boxes in box totals.
Packing and return of materials Inbound Processing Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting After testing is over, everything is packed up! Call for UPS pickup (1-800-PICK-UPS). Pickup date for freight returns is based on the Calendar of Events. The carrier, XPO, will contact your district to schedule pickup time. What is the difference between UPS and freight? A lot can happen between your place and mine.
Nonscorables and Unused Materials Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting Nonscorable and unused materials are returned separately as noted on the Calendar of Events. Scrap paper, graph paper, or reference materials that students wrote on must be destroyed after testing. Test booklets are secure materials and must be returned. Test booklets do not need to be in numerical order! Seating charts should be retained locally for five years. Make sure your numbers add up!
Nonscorables and Unused Materials Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting Make sure your numbers add up! PLEASE check test booklets for possible answer documents that could be stuck inside!
Returns/Reconciliation and ADPL Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting Compare scan vs. ADPL Mismatch identified * Physical inspection of answer document * Compare header vs. ADPL vs. scan Outreach to district coordinator
Returns/Reconciliation and ADPL Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting Types of Mismatch Incorrect counts on ADPL Transposition of counts on ADPL Voided answer documents included in counts Missing answer document on ADPL
Answer Document Packing List (ADPL) Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting Find a pre-printed ADPL for each administration in district coordinator packet. Blank ADPLs for each administration can be downloaded. Write the number of students in each grade/subject, by campus, that completed testing.
Answer Document Packing List (ADPL) Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting Answer documents for Spanish are counted with the other answer documents. Complete the ADPLs accurately and return them with each shipment of scorables. If there is a mismatch, processing for that campus may be delayed until the discrepancy is resolved.
Packing and return of materials ADPL Process Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting
Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting Scoring and Reporting Only authorized district users can order additional reports. All orders must include PO Number for billing. No fax or paper orders accepted. Additional printed paper copies of STAAR Report Cards are available for administrations that currently produce paper copies only (spring only). Late orders will be assessed additional fees. Confidential Student Labels can be ordered for any current administration. Districts can also opt not to receive labels.
Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting Students: Resolution Multi-step resolution process: Step 1 - match records Step 2 - correct records and submit Unresolved held record – click edit icon to resolve Resolved held record – click view icon to see resolved held record details Flagged – click edit icon if updated information is available to resolve the record
Packing and return of materials STAAR Report Card Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting Results are posted in the STAAR Assessment Management System and Student Portal. Updates to Student Data will result in an updated SRC posted twice per month. Printed SRCs are produced for primary administrations only.
Help Section Documents: Student Information Changes Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting Help Section Documents: Student Information Changes Name, DOB, or PEIMS Change Request Report students whose identification information has changed. Ensure that reports accurately reflect the applicable passing standard for each student. Updated SRCs posted in the Assessment Management System within two weeks, once the request has been processed
Help Section Documents: Student Information Changes Packing and return of materials Inbound processing Scoring Reporting Help Section Documents: Student Information Changes CDC Change Request Include student name, date of birth, and PEIMS ID. Districts may create their own version of this template, but it must include all fields; Excel and CSV formats are allowed.
What’s New …… New improved labels – Fall 2017 (December) Redesigned Student Report Card – Spring 2018 Online ADPL – Fall 2018 (December) ….and so much more!
It’s all about the labels Texas Label Admin Colors: Blue: EOC Yellow: 4/7 and 3-8 Red: 5/8 MR and Retest
New Labels
STAAR Report Card Top 10 language translations Enhanced EOC SRC Book list added Lexile graphic Quantile measures Quantile resource page Full Spanish SRC Full Spanish Texas Assessment website and Student Portal
Bringing the ADPL Online Timing – December 2018 How would it work? Information in the Assessment Management System Enter the same information online Upload into system ETS can electronically validate