Nixon’s Plan Peace with Honor Increase Bombing Vietnamization Détente
Peace With Honor Get out of the war honorable without hurting our international and national image Easier said than done!
Increase Bombing North Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia Solidify S.V. boarders
Response? Americans viewed this as increasing war not ending Led to increased protests Kent State Massacre
Kent State Massacre Protest against bombing Ohio National Guard killed four students and wounded 9 others April 30th 1970
Vietnamization Slowly pull out US troops Turn war over the South Vietnamese
Détente Decrease tensions between US and SU Prevent future Vietnams
My Lai Massacre Lt. Calley and troops massacred 365 women children and elderly Brutality reached America Major impact on American support for soldiers
Slow Withdraw January of 1973- Signed Peace Agreement US will pull out Return of POW’s April 30, 1975- Saigon Falls
Returning Soldiers PTSD Discriminated Against Struggled to re-enter civilian lifestyle
Southeast Asia South Vietnam fell to Communist Saigon remained Ho Chi Minh City Cambodian Genocide- Khmer Rouge
Vietnam War Memorial Enshrined in 1981 Maya Lin- designer