moray This the Moray eel presented by brock
the strange habits The moray eel opens there mouth to mate. The Moray lay’s 3 million eggs. They lay there eggs deep in the ocean.
Exotic facts There are 200 species of Moray. The smallest is 11.5 cm. The largest is 4 meters long.
what do they eat? The Moray’s second jaw is so they can eat. They eat octopus, small fish, squid and cuttlefish. One of there predators is the sea snake.
Where do Morays live The Moray Lives in the reef. Moray’s live in the warm ocean all over the world. The Moray lives in fresh or saltwater.
Bibliography Miriam gross J. The Moray eel. The Rosen Publishing group Ney York: print. Moray eel. Wikipedia. Web. 11 March 2016. https:llen.Wikipedia.roglwlindex.php?title=moray_eel&pprintadle=yes.
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