HiOOS Stakeholder Workshop May 20, 2008 Breakout Group #4
Top Priorities for HiOOS What does your group want HiOOS to provide? Data accessibility – GIS/Google based platform whose goal is to be the main site for links and data distribution. Intuitive and user defined outputs. Easily understood by all users
Wants cont. Information – sea level rise, ocean acidification, higher resolution models, 50 years + run ups for inundation, coral reef mapping and monitoring HIOOS is able to provide management reinforcement, timely response to media, and be a non-biased scientific body
Concerns Policy on governance and data sharing Information accessibility is a double edged sword – possible misuse of information leading to poor resource use Resolution – develop policy for development of HIOOS
What group can provide to HiOOS Or, what does the group have available to share with other stakeholders? Data sharing – NOAA, USGS, DOH, Pacific Disaster Center Funding support – Maui county, DOH Makai Ocean Engineering – Fully interactive Google based software for data access
Types of Involvement With respect to data (user, provider), governance, etc. Users – NOAA, USGS, Maui county, Pacific disaster center, Sea Grant, DOH, Technical support – PDC, NOAA, USGS, Sea grant Providers – Dr. Chen, NOAA, USGS Governance – Dr. Magaard Federal agencies – consult policy and partner in everything else