PLANNING FOR FUTURE LEADERS Why? How to identify future leaders How to develop future leaders
Think about the journey you travelled to get to the leadership role you hold today. How did you get there? How confident do you feel about the current capacity of one of your peers or subordinates undertaking your role? What would need to happen to change this?
Common Themes from our Interviews with Current Leaders Mentors Provided with opportunities Cross functional experience Outside comfort zone Provide challenging work Variety Right place at the right time
You do not have to have a crystal ball to plan for the future!!!
Do nothing Recruit externally Grow your own leaders
We have the right people ASSUMPTIONS We have the right people Recruitment process to attract the right people We have clear and defined values
Feedback from staff and common themes – HR Staff Survey WHY??? Feedback from staff and common themes – HR Staff Survey
Estimated costs associated with recruiting to a senior/ executive position recently undertaken at RMIT $119,000
Toyota Case Study cont… 3 components to the Performance Process at Toyota Balanced scorecard Appraisal 3. Career progression
Three track leadership (TTL) model- Kur and Bunning Senior Group Succession Management Project Group T1 Business Development TIME T2 Leadership Skills Track T3 Personal Development Track
Future Leaders learn their business, learn to lead and grow personally
What if I get hit by a bus….
Activity: Consider the leadership competencies required within your own organization. List these on the paper provided. What could you do within your organisation to develop potential leaders?
Where to from here……………..