Our culture is out-of-control. Statement of Fact Our culture is out-of-control. We have been so bombarded with sensuality that our collective conscience has become calloused and we have lost the ability to be ashamed.
Jeremiah 8:12 “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? No! “They were not at all ashamed, nor did they know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall; In the time of their punishment they shall be cast down,” says the LORD.”
Our Dress Can Affect Others Men easily lust (Matt. 5:28; Prov. 6:23- 28) “Attire of a harlot” (Prov. 7:10) Just because I am not ashamed to wear a particular outfit does not mean it is O.K. Some are not ashamed, but should be.
“I could be wrong. Some of my clothing could be immodest.” A Gentle Appeal To Think To Look at self Realize: “I could be wrong. Some of my clothing could be immodest.” Romans 12:1-2
1 Timothy 2:9-10 (NKJV) (9) In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing; (10) but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works.
Modest, Proper Grk. kosmios W. E. Vine – “orderly, well-arranged, decent” Thayer – “seemly, modest…” used in 1 Tim. 3:2 as one of the qualifications of an elder. Kittel – “describes one who disciplines himself and who may thus be regarded as genuinely moral and respectable” If there is proper clothing, then there is definitely clothing that is improper.
Propriety, Shamefastness Grk. aidos W.E. Vine – “a sense of shame, modesty... which is ‘fast’ or rooted in the character” Thayer – “a sense of shame, modesty,... primarily in regard to others” Many Christians have allowed the world to desensitize them to their sense of inward shame.
Moderation, Sobriety Grk. sophrosune W.E. Vine – “sound judgment, ...that habitual inner self-government, with its constant rein on all the passions and desires” Kittel – “restraint, moderation, discipline” Such discretion should prevent a Christian from wearing what is designed to be ‘sexy’ … ‘revealing’ … ‘eye-catching’ … ‘hot’ … ‘provocative’
Godliness Grk. theosebeia W.E. Vine – “Denotes the fear or reverence of God; a desire to please God” Strong – “Devoutness, i.e. piety” “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.” (Prov. 31:30)
To Dress Modestly Means… to dress in a proper and respectable manner… with a sense of shame if others were to be tempted because of your revealing clothing, or think of you as worldly because of your expensive or flashy attire.… using good judgment and self-control to insure that others do not face such temptations… so that what you wear will cause people to notice your fear of the Lord and commitment to godliness.
Modest Immodest Are The Following Items Proper? Shame Good Judgment Godliness Careful toward Others Immodest No Shame Poor Judgment Don’t Fear God Others May Lust Are The Following Items Proper? Low-Cut Blouses/Dresses Sun Dresses Strapless Dresses Split Dresses See-Through Styles Tight / Formfitting Shorts (revealing the thigh) Short Dresses Swimsuits Swimming Trunks Cheerleading Outfits Majorette Uniforms
What Does The Bible Say? Where Do I Draw The LINE? What Clothing Should I NOT Wear? How Can I KNOW Exactly What God Expects Me To Wear?
From The Beginning Naked, no shame before sin (Gen. 2:25) Sin brings shame, try to cover nakedness (3:7) Apron (loincloth) insufficient, still naked (3:10) “God made tunics of skin, and clothed them” (3:21) Note: Just as with marriage, this must be seen as God establishing His original order.
First Clothes The Genesis 3 Apron Tunic V. 10 Naked (Relatively) V. 21 Clothed & Modest V. 7 Naked (Nude)
Man’s Apron Hebrew: hagora - “girdle, belt, loincloth” A covering for the “loins” (Jer. 13:1-4) Thighs and stomach are uncovered; equivalent of modern shorts or miniskirt Completely naked before apron – still called “naked” AFTER apron!
God’s Tunic Hebrew: kuttonet - “a tunic… generally with sleeves, coming down to the knees, rarely to the ankles” (Gesenius, 420; Harris, I:459; BDB, 509) Greek (LXX): chiton - garment covering shoulders to knees, sometimes longer (Gen. 37:3) Original ISBE (“Dress”) says chiton “resembled the Roman tunic, corresponding most nearly to our long shirt, reaching below the knee always, and, in case it was designed for dress occasions, reaching almost to the ground” (I.S.B.E., II:877).
Nakedness Point: One can have some clothing on and still be “naked” Complete Nudity Partial Nudity “Unclad, without clothing” (Thayer, p. 122) “Ill-clad” or “clad in undergarment only” (Thayer, p. 122) “badly clad” or “not fully clothed” (Kittle, I:773-774) “lightly clad” (Liddell & Scott, 170) Point: One can have some clothing on and still be “naked”
Naked = Not Fully Clothed 2 Sam. 6:14 David in “a linen ephod” (also v. 20) Matt. 25:36 “...naked, and you clothed me” Jn. 21:7 Peter “naked” without outer garment Acts 19:16 “They fled out of that house naked” Jas. 2:15 “If a brother or sister be naked....”
Nakedness As Moral Shame Genesis (3:7) through Revelation (3:17; 16:15; 17:16) Ex. 20:26 No steps on altars “that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon” Ex. 28:42 “linen breeches to cover their nakedness; from the loins even unto the thighs” Isa. 47:2-3 “uncover the thigh… thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, thy shame shall be seen.” Isa.20:4 “buttocks uncovered to the shame…”
Summary of Nakedness Exposing any of the following rendered one “naked” in Bible terms: loins midriff buttocks bosom thighs God’s covering of Adam & Eve predated the Law & Covenant. Which body area can we leave uncovered & be godly?
Modest Immodest Are The Following Items Proper? Shame Good Judgment Godliness Careful toward Others Immodest No Shame Poor Judgment Don’t Fear God Others May Lust Are The Following Items Proper? Low-Cut Blouses/Dresses Sun Dresses Strapless Dresses Split Dresses See-Through Styles Tight / Formfitting Shorts (revealing the thigh) Short Dresses Swimsuits Swimming Trunks Cheerleading Outfits Majorette Uniforms
Brushy Mtn. State Penitentiary State Prison Bans Shorts Brushy Mtn. State Penitentiary Visitation Handbook: Rule 5: “All visitors shall dress in an appropriate manner.... halter tops, tank tops, sundresses, shorts and other revealing attire shall not be acceptable on persons of age 10....”
Twin Rivers Correctional Center State Prison Bans Shorts Twin Rivers Correctional Center Visitation Handbook: Clothing Not Allowed: Low-cut (exposing undergarments, cleavage, back). Sheer, transparent or mesh fabrics (other than hosiery). Tight fitting clothing (spandex, lycra or other elasticized). Shorts, cut-offs, and halter tops.
Sports Does Modesty Apply When We Participate? Weddings Yard Work
Modesty Applies to Men as well as Women Gen. 3:21 Applies when: Stand Sit Bend Lean
Our Clothes Should: Be Modest – reserved, decent, respectable Cause No Shame – blush if not “covered” Show Good Judgment – self-control Show Godliness – devoted to God Respect Others – opposite sex could lust Cover our Nakedness – cover from the shoulder to the knee, even when sitting
Will You Become A Christian? Hear The Gospel (Rom. 10:17) Believe That Jesus is the Son of God (John 8:24) Repent of Your Sins (Acts 17:30) Confess Jesus as Lord (Rom. 10:9-10) Be Baptized for Forgiveness of Sins (Acts 2:38) Live Faithfully Until You Die (Rev. 2:10)