Intellectual Disabilities


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Presentation transcript:

Intellectual Disabilities Chapter 4 Intellectual Disabilities Developed by: Blanche Jackson Glimps Tennessee State University

Chapter Objectives List three criteria necessary to qualify for special education services under the IDEA category of intellectual disabilities. Identify widely used instruments for assessing intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior and state important issues to consider when interpreting and using the results of such tests. Describe common characteristics of students with intellectual disabilities and explain how these characteristics are relevant to planning and delivering instructions.

Chapter Objectives Identify factors that might account for the wide differences in the prevalence of intellectual disabilities within the school-age population across states and school districts. Describe key elements of instruction for teaching academic, functional, and self-determination skills to students with intellectual disabilities. Identify factors that should guide planning and placement decisions for individuals with intellectual disability.

IDEA Definition Three criteria for a diagnosis Significant subaverage intellectual functioning is a score of two or more standard deviations below the mean on standardized intelligence tests. An individual must also have significant difficulty with tasks of everyday living or adaptive behavior. The deficits must occur during the developmental period to help distinguish intellectual disabilities from other disabilities.

AAIDD Definition AAIDD definition Intellectual disability is characterized by significant limitations in both intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior as expressed in conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skills. This disability originates before age 18.

AAIDD Definition Five assumptions essential to applying the AAIDD definition Limitations in present functioning must be considered within the context of community environments typical of the individual’s age peers and culture. Valid assessment considers cultural and linguistic diversity as well as differences in communication, sensory, motor, and behavioral factors.

AAIDD Definition Within the individual, limitations often coexist with strengths. The purpose of describing limitations is to develop a profile of needed supports. With appropriate personalized supports over a sustained period, the life functioning of the person with intellectual disability generally will improve. Supports are defined as “resources and strategies that aim to promote the development, education, interests, and personal well-being of a person and that enhance individual functioning.”

Classification of Intellectual Disabilities Classification by the degree or level of intellectual impairment as measured by IQ test scores. Mild 50-55 to ~70 Moderate 35-40 to 50-55 Severe 20-25 to 35-40 Profound Below 20-25

Identification and Assessment Standardized IQ tests are used to assess intelligence Administered by a school psychologist or other trained professional Important considerations of IQ tests: IQ is a hypothetical construct. IQ tests measures only how a child performs at one point in time on the items included on the test. IQ tests can be culturally biased.

Identification and Assessment IQ scores can change significantly. IQ testing is not an exact science. An IQ score should not be used to determine IEP objectives. An IQ score should never be used as the sole basis for making decisions regarding special education services.

Assessing Adaptive Behavior Adaptive behavior is “the collection of conceptual, social, and practical skills that have been learned by people in order to function in their everyday lives.” The adaptive skills exhibited by a person with ID are critical factors in determining the supports a student requires for success in school, work, community, and home environments. Measurement of adaptive behavior has proven difficult because of the relative nature of social adjustment and competence.

Assessing Adaptive Behavior Conceptual-using language for speaking, reading, writing, using number concepts Social-getting along with others, being a responsible group member, solving social problems, following rules and obeying laws, avoiding being victimized Practical skills-daily living activities such as dressing, toileting, food preparation, etc.

Characteristics Cognitive Functioning and Learning Memory Learning Rate Attention Generalization and Maintenance Motivation Adaptive Behavior Self-Care and Daily Living Skills Social Relationships Behavior Excesses and Challenging Behaviors Positive Attributes

Prevalence During the 2012 to 2013 school year, 430,000 students ages 3 through 21 years received special education under the category of ID. These students represented 6.7% of all school-age children in special education. ID is the fifth-largest disability category. Prevalence rates vary greatly from state to state.

Causes More than 350 risk factors associated with ID have been identified. 35% of cases have a genetic cause Another third of cases involve external trauma or toxin Etiology remains unknown for another third of cases Etiologic factors: prenatal, perinatal, or postnatal

Causes Biomedical Causes Down syndrome Fragile X syndrome Environmental Causes 85% to 90% of people with ID have mild intellectual disabilities Most show no evidence of organic pathology Psychosocial disadvantage Poverty as a factor

Prevention The biggest single preventive strike against ID was the development of the rubella vaccine in 1962. Advances in medical science have enabled doctors to identify certain genetic influences using the following screening procedures and diagnostic tests Ultrasonography and Maternal Serum Screening Amniocentesis Chronic Villi Sampling Genetic Counseling Mandatory Newborn Screening Tests for Inherited and Biomedical Risk Factors

Curriculum Goals Academic Curriculum Content in the basics of reading, writing, and math Functional Curriculum Content to increase a student’s independence, self-direction, and enjoyment in school, home, community, and work environments Self-Determination Content to help a student set goals, plan and implement a course of action, evaluate their performance, and make adjustments in what they are doing to reach their goals

Instructional Methods Task Analysis Breaking down complex or multisteps into smaller subtasks Active Student Response A detectable lesson-specific response Transfer of Stimulus Control Gradually and systematically withdrawing response prompts Direct and Frequent Measurement Objective and frequent recording the performance of behavior

Instructional Methods Systematic Feedback Provided by the Teacher Information provided to students about their performance Praise Positive Reinforcement Instructive Feedback Acquisition Stage of Learning Practice Stage of Learning

Instructional Methods Generalization and Maintenance The use of what is learned across settings and over time Strategies Teach the full range of stimulus conditions and response requirements. Make the instructional settings similar to the generalization setting. Contrived common stimulus Community-based instruction Maximize contact with naturally occurring contingencies reinforcement.

Placement Options During the 2012 to 2013 school year, 17% of students with ID were educated in the general education classroom 27% were served in resource room programs 49% were served in separate classes 7% of students with intellectual disabilities are educated in separate schools, residential facilities, or home/hospital environments

Acceptance and Membership Normalization-the use of progressively more normal settings and procedures to establish and maintain personal behaviors which are as culturally normal as possible. Social Role Valorization-people’s welfare depends on the social roles they occupy. Self-determination-special educators can help students with intellectual disabilities identify their goals and provide the instruction and supports that will enable them to pursue those goals.