Lion King Jr. Disney Presents:
Calendar Subscribe to Ms. Page’s Edlio! 1171&type=u&pREC_ID=823013
Audition Sheets Students will receive an audition sheet for them to fill out due the MORNING of auditions. Students will give their audition sheet to Ms. Harrington audition day. Copies can be found on Ms. Page’s edlio!
Auditions Students will prepare a verse and chorus of a song that shows off their voice best. We may cut you off early! NO COSTUMES! 6, 7, 8 Auditions: TUESDAY, November 29th 3:15-5pm 3, 4, 5 Auditions & 6, 7, 8 Callbacks: WEDNESDAY, November 30th 3:15-5pm If you are auditioning for one of the following roles, please prepare one of the following songs Simba: I Just Can’t Wait to Be King Nala: Shadowland (ending) Mufasa: They Live in You (changed voice) Scar: Be Prepared Rafiki: He Lives in You or Circle of Life The practice tracks can be found on Ms. Page’s Edlio
Cast List Cast list will be posted online Saturday, December 3rd at 12:00 p.m. Monday, December 5th, students will be able to initial next to their name on the cast list and turn in their expectations sheet to formally accept their role in Lion King Jr by December 6th. ALL STUDENTS WHO AUDITION WILL BE GIVEN A ROLE (if they choose to accept) Rehearsals begin, Tuesday, December 6th from 3:15-5pm in the Music/Spanish Room.
Crew Members Crew meetings begin Wednesday, January 11 from 3:15-5:00 pm in Mrs. Harrington’s room. set painting media/photography prop design and creation programs/posters costume design and creation costume assistant (tech week) make-up (tech week) sound (tech week) stage manager lighting (tech week) prop master Lighting and Sound Responsibilites Will Be Reserved for Middle School Students
Expectations We are only at our best when all members are present. Please make note of when your character is on the schedule. Be ready ON TIME. Homework NO Phones/Electronics (we are still at school) Bring a healthy snack AND water bottle. You MUST bring your script & a pencil ALWAYS
Parental Involvement Costumes/Makeup Set Design Props Light & Sound Tech Crew Publicity Filming/Photography Sponsorship Opportunities Videographer
Show Dates School Matinee: April 5 @ 1:30pm Cast & Crew will report at 12:30 Performances: April 6, 7, & 8 @ 7:00pm Cast & Crew will report at 5:30pm Cast Party/Clean-Up: April 9 @ 11:00-1:00pm
Ticket Sales State Champs Tickets will go on sale Monday, March 20 for FAMILIES of Cast & Crew. May buy up to four tickets at this time. General ticket sales go on sale, Tuesday, March 23rd. $10 for adults, 12 & under FREE! Donations gladly accepted!
Fees Cast: $250/Crew: $100 Cast/Crew T-Shirt After School Needs Costs for costumes, sets, royalties, etc… Snacks/Cast Party
It Takes a Village to Raise a Curtain