2018 IHCP Annual Workshop MDwise 101 HHW-HIPP0579 (9/18)
Prior Authorization (PA) Claims Member Management Agenda MDwise History Updates Eligibility Prior Authorization (PA) Claims Member Management Provider Relations & Quality Resources Questions We will go over the history of MDwise and an introduction to McLaren Health Care, some delivery system updates, our eligibility and PA processes, filing claims, how you can benefit from our Quality program, managing your members, our provider relations department and representatives, and close out with some useful resources and a time for questions.
2007: MDwise selected to provide care through the Healthy Indiana Plan MDwise History 1994: MDwise founded as Indiana-based nonprofit health care company Central Indiana Managed Care Organization, Inc. (CIMCO), utilizing a delivery system model 2001: CIMCO teamed up with IU Health Plan and formed into MDwise, Inc., serving more than 55,000 Hoosier Healthwise members. 2007: MDwise begins service Care Select (now Hoosier Care Connect) members 2007: MDwise selected to provide care through the Healthy Indiana Plan 2018: MDwise acquired by Michigan-based McLaren Health Care; one of Michigan’s largest integrated health systems MDwise’s history began back in 1994 when we were founded as CIMCO. From 2001 to 2014, MDwise offered medical coverage to Indiana residents through the Hoosier Healthwise, Hoosier Care Connect, formerly Care Select, HIP and Marketplace programs. Our focus shifted over the last couple of years from all 4 medical programs to just Hoosier Healthwise and HIP. And in 2017, MDwise was purchased by McLaren Health Care, a Michigan-based health system with a significant health plan operation across the state of Michigan.
Who Is McLaren Health Care? Is one of the largest integrated health care systems in Michigan Owns 15 hospitals, including Barbara Ann Karmanos, nationally renowned for their cancer care and outcomes Employs over 500 physicians Trains over 550 residents annually Has a workforce of over 20,000 Owns McLaren Health Plan, who covers over 265,000 members in Medicaid, commercial, and Medicare Supplemental markets.
MDwise – McLaren Synergies Sharing Best Practices between MDwise and McLaren Health Plan, such as: Care Management Opioid Crisis Management Effectively managing inappropriate ER utilization Streamlining Prior Authorizations Pay for Value Physician Incentive programs Claims adjudication Results are Demonstrating: Improvement in health care outcomes for our members Enhanced access for members Greater administrative efficiencies, which allow more health care dollars to be spent on the actual delivery of medical care
Updates Effective 1/1/19: MDwise is restructuring its Delivery System model to: Improve claim payment timeliness and accuracy Streamline and reduce administrative redundancy for providers Provide greater access for our members One standard authorization list One point of contact for all authorization requests One claim submission address Non-Excel Delivery System contracts Providers not contracted with MDwise Excel must contract to stay in network. Effective January 1, 2019, MDwise will begin operating as a single network, MDwise Excel. This will show when checking eligibility in the MDwise Portal as well as the state systems. Along with this change, MDwise delivery system contracts will expire December 31, 2018. If you are not currently contracted as a MDwise Excel provider and want to be able to see MDwise members, you will need to contract as a MDwise excel provider. Please reach out to your dedicate provider representative to begin this process. Also changing will be out claims processing, our prior authorization process and requirements, and our MDwise portal access. All of these items are covered in this presentation, so lets get started!
Effective 1/1/19: Eligibility When determining eligibility, verify: Is the member eligible for services today? Which Indiana Health Coverage Program plan are they enrolled? If the member is in Hoosier Healthwise or Healthy Indiana Plan, are they assigned to MDwise? Who is the member’s Primary Medical Provider (PMP)? Beginning in January, you will be able to utilize the state website for the members Program and MCE. The assigned network or delivery system will always be MDwise Excel. To verify a PMP, you will use the MDwise provider portal, as you do now. Provider Healthcare Portal MDwise Provider Portal IHCP Program Delivery System: MDwise Excel MCE Assigned PMP History Assigned PMP
Effective 1/1/19 Prior Authorization One standard authorization list One point of contact for all authorization requests Submission timelines and process will not change Go to MDwise.org for most up-to-date version of PA lists MDwise.org For Providers Forms Prior Authorization Effective January 1st, our PA guides will update. There will be one PA list per program. The PA lists will still be housed on the Prior Authorization page. The current 2017 and prior PA lists will remain on this page to allow for review after the new year. Be sure you are reviewing the correct PA guides in the new year.
Prior Authorization You will need two key items when filing a request for Medical Prior Authorization (PA): Universal Prior Authorization Form Located on our website Documentation to support the medical necessity for the service you are requesting to prior authorize: Lab work Medical records/physician notes Test results Therapy notes Tips: Completely fill out the universal PA form including the rendering provider’s NPI and TIN, the requestor’s name along with phone and fax number. Be sure to note if PA is for a retroactive member. Please Note: Not completely filling out the universal PA form may delay the prior authorization timeframe. When submitting a prior authorization, always be sure your form is completely filled out and required documentation in included. IF a form is incomplete or documentation is missing, your request will be returned to you and your review timeframe will start over. Also, if you are requesting a PA for a retro active member, be sure to note this in the notes section of the form.
Prior Authorization Turn-Around Time All emergency inpatient admissions require authorization within 2 business days of the admission. Urgent prior authorizations can take up to 3 business days Requests for non-urgent prior authorization will be resolved within 7 calendar days. It is important to note that resolved could mean a decision to pend for additional information. If you have not heard response within the time frames above, contact the Prior Authorization Inquiry Team and they will investigate the issue. PA Inquiry Line 1-888-961-3100 Turn around time for authorizations depends on the urgency of the request. Emergency requests must have a PA requested within 2 business days of the date of service; urgent requests will have an outcome within 3 business days, and a non-urgent request will have a decision made within 7 business days. If you have an inquiry on a current PA, please regerence the PA quick contact guide on our website.
Appeals Prior Authorization Providers can request a prior authorization appeal on behalf of a member within 33 calendar days of receiving denial. Providers must request an authorization appeal in writing to MDwise: MDwise Customer Service Department PO Box 441423 Indianapolis, IN 46244-1426 MDwise will resolve an appeal within 20 business days and notify the provider and member in writing of the appeal decision including the next steps. If you do not agree with the appeal decision, additional appeal procedure options are available. If you receive an outcome to your PA that you disagree with, you are welcome to file a written appeal within 33 calendar days of receiving the denial. MDwise will resolve the appeal within 20 business days and notify you of the outcome and next steps. The appeal address is listed on this slide as well as in the PA quick contact guide.
Pharmacy Prior Authorizations For all requests and questions regarding Pharmacy PA, contact the Pharmacy Benefit Manager. MedImpact: 844-336-2677 Pharmacy Resources: http://www.MDwise.org/for-providers/pharmacy-resources Pharmacy authorizations are submitted to the Pharmacy Benefit Manager, or PBM, based on the members program. Please contact the appropriate PBM with pharmacy PA questions. Next we will go over MDwise claims.
Hoosier Healthwise & Healthy Indiana Plan Claims Effective 1/1/19: Claim Submission is date of service driven. Electronic Submission Please note: Paper claims must be on red/white form with black ink. Hoosier Healthwise & Healthy Indiana Plan MDwise/McLaren Health Plans P.O. Box 1575 Flint, MI 48501 Effective January 1st, we will go to one claim submission address and Payer ID per program, as shown here. Please remember this is date of service driven. Claims with date of service 12/31/18 being submitted after January 1st will still need to be sent to the correct delivery system and program, as shown on the previous page. Again, for this updated claim submission information, go to MDwise.org and click on Provider contact information. Hoosier Healthwise Healthy Indiana Plan Payer ID: 3519M Payer ID: 3135M
Claims Claim Timelines: Claim Submission: Primary: 90 days from the date of service Secondary: 90 days from the date of the explanation of benefits (EOB) Effective 1/1/19, non-contracted providers will have 180 days for claim submission.* MDwise Adjudication: (clean claims) Electronic Claims: 21 days Paper Claims: 30 days Claim Disputes: 60 days from the date of the explanation of benefits (EOB) Dispute Response: 30 business days from date of submission *Reference BT201829 for more information Claim submission timelines and response times are not changing in the new year. Primary claims are still due 90 days from the date of service, secondary 90 days from the date of the primary EOP. Due to state changes announced in bulletin BT201829, providers who are not contracted with MDwise Excel will have 180 days to file claims. MDwise will adjudicate all clean claims within 21 days for electronic submission, and 30 days for paper submission. If you receive a claim denial that you would like to dispute, the dispute is due within 60 days of the date of the EOB. MDwise will respond back within 30 business days with an outcome. If you would like to inquire about a claim in process, you can do so at any time. A response will be made to you within 30 business days of your submission. We do ask that you allow the full 21 or 30 days adjudication time before submitting an inquiry, to allow adequate time for the claim to be reviewed. Moving on from claims….
Care Management Member Management MDwise identifies care management as an integral part of medical management. Care management involves the development and implementation of a coordinated, member-focused plan of care that meets the member’s needs and promotes optimal outcomes. Care management objectives include: Developing and facilitating interventions that coordinate care across the continuum of health care services Decreasing fragmentation or duplication of services Promoting access or utilization of appropriate resources Next up is Member management in regards to Care and disease management. The MDwise care management team is dedicated to assisting members who may need additional attention to their healthcare. This includes facilitating contact with the member and providers, educating members on their covered benefits, and directing them toward appropriate utilization.
The Care Management process includes: Member Management The Care Management process includes: Identification and evaluation of member’s needs Review of clinical information Development of goals and treatment plans including behavioral and physical health On-going communication with the member or member’s family/caregivers Monitoring progress and adjusting care plans accordingly Transitioning the member through levels of case management when appropriate (i.e. goals and needs met, member coverage terminated) (Review Slide)
Member Management Please note: You will need to log in to the MDwise Provider Portal to access this form If you know a member who could benefit from the assistance of a care manager, we ask that you complete the electronic Care Management Referral Form located on the MDwise Portal. This form can also be used for members with chronic diseases. They will be assisted by our disease management team.
Disease Management Member Management MDwise members are offered disease management programs that address the following conditions in which patient self-care efforts and empowerment are significant: Diabetes Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Coronary artery disease (CAD) Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Pregnancy Asthma Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Congestive heart failure (CHF) Chronic kidney disease (CKD) Hypertension Depression The disease management department is dedicated to assisting members with specific health issues, like those listed here. Disease managers can assist in seeking medical treatment, speaking with a specialist and educating the member on living life with a chronic condition.
Member Management Disease Management Members are encouraged to actively participate in the management of their condition through disease education, self- management tools, and access to healthcare professionals. There are several avenues by which members may be identified and referred to care managers to be evaluated for implementation of case management: Contacting the Care Management department Completing the electronic CM/DM Referral Form located on the MDwise Portal (Read slide)
Right Choices Program (RCP) Member Management Right Choices Program (RCP) The Right Choices (RCP) program was created to safeguard against unnecessary or inappropriate use of Medicaid services by identifying members who use Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) services more extensively than their peers. MDwise considers multiple factors in enrolling a member into this program. They include, but are not limited to: ER utilization Pharmacy utilization Member compliance Outcomes of member interventions Referrals from providers Our care managers also work directly with members in the right choices program. This program was created to safeguard against unnecessary or inappropriate use of Medicaid services by identifying members who use IHCP services more extensively than their peers. This is determined based on claim submission or provider referral.
Right Choices Program (RCP) Member Management Right Choices Program (RCP) The Right Choices Program is available for Hoosier Healthwise and Healthy Indiana Plan members. MDwise members are considered candidates for restriction if they continue to misuse benefits despite efforts on the part of MDwise and its provider(s) to educate and assist the member in modifying misuse patterns. Members that qualify are eligible for a two to five year lock-in. In the Right Choices program, members are assigned to one primary medical provider (PMP), one pharmacy and one hospital. The goal of this program is to ensure members receive appropriate care and to prevent members from incorrect utilization of services. Both Hoosier Healthwise and HIP members are eligible for the RCP program. Members are locked in to one PMP, one pharmacy and one hospital, and cen visit specialists based on a referral from their PMP.
Member Management If you come upon a member who could use the extra devotion of their PMP, please nominate them for RCP using the electronic form on our website. You can also call customer service and speak to a live Reprsentative.
Provider Relations & Quality Provider Relations Quality Education Opportunities MDwise can assist in: Educating office staff by providing Provider Orientations or Re-orientations. Troubleshooting claim issues. Providing education on Quality and OMPP standards through office visits. Creating and implementing projects to improve quality of care. Providing quality performance metrics via reports. Identifying office practices that may result in missed opportunities to provide care. MDwise Quality is dedicated to educating the provider office on ways the office can benefit from meeting quality standards. Our quality materials provide education on NCQA, HEDIA and OMPP standards, ways to maximize a member visit to meet quality criteria, assisting in member outreach and online reports.
Provider Relations & Quality Quality Resources Network Improvement Resources www.MDwise.org/ForProviders/Quality/HEDIS Quality Posters HEDIS Performance Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) Lead Screening Guides and Tip Sheets Fax Back Program Notification of Pregnancy EPSDT Billing Member Access to Care Also with Quality education is a great amount of educational documents to share with your office. Updated HEDIS and Lead screening posters and tip sheets on the fax back program and the requirements for member access to care. If you would like someone to come to your office and discuss Quality with your team, please contact you dedicate Provider Relations Representative. We will review their territories a little later in the presentation.
Provider Relations -Forms http://www.MDwise.org/for-providers/forms/provider-enrollment Credentialing/Enrollment MCE Enrollment Form Enrollment Cover Sheet (until 12/31/18) Provider Update Form Disenroll/Re-enroll Panel Move Non-Contracted Set-Up Form Required for non-contracted providers Contract Inquiry Form Submit Forms to: prenrollment@mdwise.org Our final department to review is Provider Relations. Recently the Provider Relations and Quality departments merged. If you are in charge of quality or billing, you will now be working through one representative. Non-contracted provider form is required to verify that the provider is set up correctly in the provider portal.
Provider Relations - Contracting Providers not currently participating as MDwise Excel will need to contract to continue to see MDwise members in 2019. What is required to contract? MDwise Excel Contract Provider/Ancillary Enrollment Forms W-9 Sample Claim Providers not seeking a MDwise Excel contract are required to submit the following: Non-Contracted Provider Set-Up Form For providers contracted with a delivery system that is not MDwise Excel, you will be required to contract with Excel to continue to see MDwise members in 2019. You will be required to submit the signed contract, enrollment forms, a W-9 and a sample claim for payor set up. If you are not seeking a MDwise Excel contract, we still need the Non-contracted provider set up form, a w-9 and a sample claim to make sure you are accurately set up in our claims system. All of these documents are submitted to the prenrollment@mdwise.org email address for processing.
Provider Relations – Territory Map 1 2 5 3 4 9 If you have questions on these forms or on the contracting process for MDwise Excel, be sure to contact your dedicated Provider Relations representative for your region, as shown here. 6 8 7
Provider Relations – Contact Information Representative Territory Phone Email Paulette Means Region 1 317-822-7490 pmeans@mdwise.org Garrett Walker Region 2 317-983-6088 gwalker@mdwise.org Michelle Phillips Region 3, Hospice, Home Health 317-983-7819 mphillips@mdwise.org Jamaal Wade Region 4 317-822-7276 jwade@mdwise.org David Hoover Region 5 317-983-7823 dhoover@mdwise.org Tonya Trout Region 6 317-308-7329 ttrout@mdwise.org Rebecca Church Region 7 317-308-7371 rchurch@mdwise.org Sean O’Brien Region 8 317-308-7344 sobrien@mdwise.org Whitney Burnes Region 9 317-308-7345 wburnes@mdwise.org Nichole Young Behavioral Health (CMHC, OTP, IMD or Residential) 317-822-7509 nyoung@mdwise.org Michelle Phillips, our dedicate Home Health and Hospice rep is now covering region 3 as well. If you are a DME provider, please reach out to the Representative in you respective region. Also, territory reps are now covering ABA providers as well. For behavioral health, Nichole young covers CMHC’s, OTP’s, IMD’s and residential providers. All other BH providers should contact their territory reps.
MDwise Provider Portal Resources MDwise Provider Portal http://www.MDwise.org/for-providers Additional resources can be found on our website, MDwise.org. The dedicated provider page has access to the provider portal as well as educational and reference materials.
MDwise Provider Portal Resources MDwise Provider Portal Please note: Portal Access Requests can take up to 3 business days If you do not currently have access to the MDwise provider portal, be sure to request access by following the link on our website. Effective 1/1/19, MDwise will go back to one provider portal. This will house all claims, 2015 and forward.
MDwise Provider Portal Resources MDwise Provider Portal Member Eligibility including PMP Claims Quality Reports Member Rosters Member Health Profile Coordinate Medical and Behavioral Health services based on paid claims Includes physician visits, medication and ER visits CM/DM Requests The provider portal also gives you access to member eligibility, quality reports as discussed earlier, member rosters for PMPs and the member Health profile which helps with member utilization.
MDwise Provider Tip Sheets Resources MDwise Provider Tip Sheets http://www.mdwise.org/for-providers/tools-and-resources/additional- resources/tip-sheets/ MDwise Provider Manuals http://www.mdwise.org/for-providers/manual-and-overview/ MDwise Provider Relations Territory Map http://www.mdwise.org/for-providers/contact-information/ MDwise Customer Service 1.800.356.1204 IHCP Provider Modules Indianamedicaid.com Lastly, a few links for you to tip sheets, our provider manuals, the territory map and reaching customer service.
Questions I want to thank you for taking the time to listen and learn more about MDwise. Does any one have any questions?