Conservation of Energy


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Presentation transcript:

Conservation of Energy Chapter 4.2

Energy Review Most Energy can be group under one of two categories: Kinetic or Potential What are some examples of forms of KE? What is the equation for KE? What is the relationship between mass and KE? What is the relationship between velocity and KE? What are some examples of forms of PE? What is the equation for PE?

Law of Conservation Energy Energy cannot be created or destroyed Changes form Total energy of the universe remains constant Even though system may gain or lose energy

Mechanical Energy (ME) Total amount of KE and PE ME = PE + KE

What is the PE of a 10 kg cart at A? What is the KE of a 10 kg cart at A? What is the ME of a 10 kg cart at A?

What is the PE at bottom of hill between A & B? What is the KE at bottom of hill between A & B? What is the ME at bottom of hill between A & B? What is the speed of a 10 kg cart at this spot?

What is the PE at B? What is the KE at B? What is the ME at B?

What is the PE at C? What is the KE at C? What is the ME at C? What is the speed of the cart at C?

How long does it take to travel from point C to D?