Guidance on Integrating Adaptation into Land Management Application in Forest Management in Vanj District/Tajikistan Step-by-step approach for designing adaptation strategies and measures in a participatory manner Combines concepts such as: - Sustainable Forest Management - Vulnerability to climate change - Ecosystem-based Adaptation
Phases of the Approach Slight adaptation in Phase 2 for Vanj Pilot: After the synthesis of scientific/expert information (Expert Study) and traditional knowledge and experiences (in 3 Village WS) in the WS at District Level another round of assessment on agroforestry and agricultural products as well as consultation with village communities were conducted for prioritization of concrete adaptation measures in the villages.
Operationalization Synthesis of scientific information and traditional knowledge on the impacts of climate change and the vulnerability of the socio-ecological system at regional/local level Identification and prioritisation of adaptation measures and strategies with relevant actors from different levels Integrating selected adaptation measures into existing plans and on-going development interventions Adaptation Measures covered areas such: Forest Management - Regeneration and Reforestation (approval of the JFM approach applied in the region!) Agroforestry and Crop Production, Economic and Financial Development, Disaster Risk Management Water Management and Pasture Management Actors from different levels: Representatives of Leskhoz Vanj, Leskhoz GBAO and Leskhoz Dushanbe Representative of Khukumat Vanj Representative of Committee of Emergency Situations and Civil Defense (GBAO) Village representatives Scientific experts from the Academy of Science in Dushanbe, Forest Institute in Dushanbe, the Pamir Biological Institute in Khorog Colleagues from CESVI, CARITAS, JICA and GIZ Integration: Updating JFM material with climate aspects (indicators, short climate monitoring, introductory seminar) Integrating climate change aspects in the training module for forest rangers (capacity building of leskhoz staff)
Selected lessons learnt and additional outputs Careful introduction of the topic climate change and clear differentiation between non-climate and climate risks Considering broader landscape approach for increasing resilience Elaboration of an integrated guidance for forest and pasture management in high mountainous areas − ready for testing Linking the process with development activities in the field of disaster risk reduction and agricultural production to use synergies and increase joint learning Careful introduction of the topic climate change: means here not to start e.g. workshops immediately with this topic it distracts people from already existing management problems; further in order not to overload people due to the complexity