Welcome to Back to School Night! Team Aspire
Team Aspire Success for Every Student Every Day
Homeroom Attendance taken Pledge to Flag / Moment of Silence A time to bring in notes for: Absences Early dismissals Tardiness Vacations Announcements and Information
Resource Activity Period 8:15 – 8:45 AM Band, chorus, and clubs Remain in homeroom to read independently or study silently Work with individual teachers for extra help or to make up work Infractions will be followed through with consequences 1. Warning, 2. E-mail Home, 3. Detention, 4. Office Referral
Website www.crsd.org/hollandms/ Access HAC Team Website Each teacher has their own website Information is tentative and may change Useful when absent Team Website View team activities School announcements
Home Access Center (HAC) Allows parents to check: Test and quiz grades Homework scores Project and assignment grades
Clinic Available after school on Thursdays from 3:05 to 3:45 PM Use this time to receive extra help Use this time to make up any missed work Buses are available at 4:15 PM
Homework Reinforces and extends learning experiences Fosters student accountability and responsibility Increases expectations at the middle level Helps to develop study skills and time management skills
Conferences Conference Dates November 19 (afternoon and early evening) November 20 (afternoon) November 21 (morning) A letter goes home indicating whether or not a conference is necessary. Letters include directions for on-line scheduling. Conferences can also be set up by contacting your child’s guidance counselor.
HMMM-can they do it? https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=AwrJ3VUKKZBb2mwAAUkPxQt.?p=stuck+on+escalator&fr=yhs-Lkry-SF01&fr2=piv-web&hspart=Lkry&hsimp=yhs-SF01&type=ANYS_A0A9M_set_bcr#id=2&vid=20db684cb570396a5e4014ad4788e413&action=view
Thank you for your support!