REVIEW Unit 5 Challenges
What’s missing?
What’s missing?
What’s missing?
What’s missing?
What’s missing?
What’s missing?
What’s missing?
What’s missing?
What’s missing?
What’s missing?
What’s missing?
What’s missing?
Unit 6 Transitions How long have you known your best friend? Since when have you studied English? REVIEW #2 present perfect REVIEW #1 simple past I have studied English. I studied English.
Vocabulary page 68
Page 68 #B What age do people transition from…to… Page 68 #B What age do people transition from…to…? They transition from…to… at ??? years old. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Grammar – page 68 I have studied English. I studied English. REVIEW Unit 2 REVIEW Unit 1 I have studied English. I studied English.
= has/have + past participle REVIEW Grammar page 68 present perfect = has/have + past participle 1) regular verbs: same past tense +ed rules want wanted, like liked play played, try tried banbanned, listenlistened 2) irregular verbs: *know knew (past tense) known (past participle)
Grammar - page 68 already/ever/never, and yet + present perfect REVIEW **(present perfect = has/have + past participle) already – Have you already finished your homework? Yes, I (have/ have already) finished my homework. No, I haven’t finished my homework yet. But I will! (not) yet – Have you finished your homework yet? Yes, I (have/have already) finished my homework. No, I haven’t finished my homework yet. But I will! (not) ever/never – Have you ever finished your homework? Yes, I finish my homework all the time! No, I have never finished my homework. No, I haven’t ever finished my homework.
When? present I have studied English. perfect 1. began in the past and continues until today: I have studied English since the 3rd grade. 2. happened in the past and affects today, no specific time: I have traveled on the KTX before. It is really easy! 3. past action that has happened several times: I have seen EXO in concert 5 times. 4. experience: I have been to China. REVIEW 5. accomplishment: Humans have walked on the moon. 6. uncompleted action you expect to be finished: I have not finished my homework yet. But I will finish it!
Page 69 #A present perfect or simple past 1. have lived…lived 2. graduated…hasn’t graduated 3. hasn’t been… traveled 4. started… have finished
How long have you studied English? Grammar page 69 present perfect + since/for How long have you studied English? I have studied English for 10 years. Since when have you studied English? I have studied English since 3rd grade.
How long have you known your best friend? Unit 6 Transitions How long have you known your best friend? Since when have you studied English?
Auction! 1. Find the sentences with correct grammar. 2. BUY the sentences with correct grammar. * Do not buy sentences with bad grammar!!! * The highest offer WINS the sentence. 4. The group with the most correct sentences in the winner! Auction!
1) Find the sentences with correct grammar. 1. How long have you play the piano? 2. Since when did you had braces? 3. She has been to the aquarium 11 times. 4. We have known each other since 15 years. 5. No, I haven’t seen yet Civil War. 6. Yes, I have already read the book. 7. No, we have never been Everland. 8. He have studied Chinese for 5 years. 9. I have attended Dong-A for only 1 year. 10. How long have you dyed your hair? 11. Yes, we finished already our class project. 12. I have passed the exam last June.
2) BUY the sentences with correct grammar 2) BUY the sentences with correct grammar. * Do not buy sentences with bad grammar!! 1. How long have you play the piano? 2. Since when did you had braces? 3. She has been to the aquarium 11 times. 4. We have known each other since 15 years. 5. No, I haven’t seen yet Civil War. 6. Yes, I have already read the book. 7. No, we have never been Everland. 8. He have studied Chinese for 5 years. 9. I have attended Dong-A for only 1 year. 10. How long have you dyed your hair? 11. Yes, we finished already our class project. 12. I have passed the exam last June.
Conversation page 69 circle the stress Rick: Have you ever traveled alone? Jason: Yes, I have. It was fun! Rick: Really? Where did you go? Jason: I went to Los Angeles for a week last summer. Rick: Did you stay in a hotel? Jason: No, I visited my cousins. We had a great time.
I went to the park. stress no stress
Conversation Page 69 #A 1. Where did Jason go? 2. For how long did he travel? 3. Where did he stay?
Tuesday – Important Dates May 24th – Final Exam Part 1 (Come to class Tuesday – Important Dates May 24th – Final Exam Part 1 (Come to class. Bring your book. Do not study!) May 31st– Final Exam Part 2 (Come to class. Bring your book. Do not study!) June 7th – Final Exam Part 3 (STUDY!)
Wednesday – Important Dates May 25th – Final Exam Part 1 (Come to class. Bring your book. Do not study!) June 1st– Final Exam Part 2 (Come to class. Bring your book. Do not study!) June 8th – Final Exam Part 3 (STUDY!)
Thursday – Important Dates May 26th – Final Exam Part 1 (Come to class Thursday – Important Dates May 26th – Final Exam Part 1 (Come to class. Bring your book. Do not study!) June 2nd – Final Exam Part 2 (Come to class. Bring your book. Do not study!) June 9th – Final Exam Part 3 (STUDY!)