First English Settlements
England Seeks Colonies Two earliest efforts during 1580s Established colonies late 1500s The coast of North Carolina Roanoke island 1585 then abandoned Second, a great mystery of American history Set up 1587 War with Spain No ship visited Roanoke until 1590 Colony abandoned
Earliest Settlements Part 1 1607- Group of wealthy people attempt establish an English colony Formed the Virginia Company of London Hoped discover gold or silver or trade furs with the native Americans King James I granted merchants a charter to establish Virginia Charter- document issued by government grants specific rights to person or company 100 men sailed into Chesapeake Bay England’s first permanent settlement Strategically located
Earliest Settlements Part 2 Caught a disease called malaria Not farmers By 1608 38 of 100 left John Smith was sent He said: “He who works not, eats not.” Buildings made of timber Raided Native American settlements They found a dependable source of income Tobacco Popular in European countries
Earliest Settlements Part 3 Success of tobacco 1619 Dutch ship Separatists left Holland & settled in Virginia- Pilgrims Pilgrim- a person who takes a religious journey 100 people sailed and landed in Massachusetts
Climate and Natural Resources Swampy Peninsula Insects thrived in warm weather Tobacco
How did the geography determine the way they made a living? Influenced how English colonies developed How some of the people in the colonies live Swampy peninsula
Difficulties Starving time: 1609, John Smith returned to England Conditions in Jamestown worsened Relations with Native Americans Powhatan decided time had come drive English away Settlements ran out of food 1609-1610 called Starving Time 1610, 60 colonists were still alive 20 Africans abroad Dutch ship Permanent slavery Africans not established Virginia last part 1600s 1620-1621 half of the colonists died from hunger & disease
Limitations of Monarcy Limited by law Limited lawmaking body called parliament Limited power punish people without trial Power to impose new taxes
Government of first American Colony's Part 1 April 1619 governor George Yeardley arrived London , wanted two burgesses each settlement elect someone represent citizens Jamestown developed representative government form government voters elected people make laws By 1618, martial law abolished & legislative assembly created first meeting 22 members assemble met July 30 meet at church in Jamestown Virginia lawmaking body , House of Burgesses, met first time1619 could pass laws set taxes
Government of first American Colonies Part 2 shared power with governor, made center representative government Most first laws about tobacco & taxes measures against drunkenness Jamestown was a democracy King granted merchants charter gave Virginia Company large portion North America 1618 martial laws abolished & legislative assembly created
RELIGION Part1 England people could punished for beliefs Time Jamestown founded, people eastern England left homes & settled Netherlands wanted separate church England & practice Christianity own way called separatists, often persecuted or treated badly because religion 1607-09 several groups separatists settled Netherlands allowed worship as they pleased, not happy James Brown
RELIGION Part 2 1620 one group separatists decided leave Left Netherlands and settle Virginia Know today as pilgrim Arrived in Virginia on Mayflower
Extra Extra Read All ‘Bout It!!! John smith: sent out from London to lead colony in fall 1608 First thanksgiving fall 1621 Pilgrims and Native Americans Local chief gave pilgrims some food Squanto= seeds native plant: corn, beans, & pumpkins showed how plant them Africans chance earn freedom working certain # years
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