Anemia case? إعداد الطالبات: أماني لولو منال أبو حصيرة شروق الفيومي Anemia case? Group 13 إعداد الطالبات: أماني لولو منال أبو حصيرة شروق الفيومي
The Case: A 22-year-old African American female with past medical history of hypertension and iron deficiency anemia presented with generalized fatigue and new onset dyspnea on exertion of three-week duration. She started having heavy menstrual bleed requiring blood transfusions in last six months was one month ago at an outside facility. She denied any history of autoimmune diseases or history of miscarriages Her only home medications included iron supplements and oral contraceptive pills>
LAB RESULT RESULT NORMAL RANGE Hb 4.8 g/dL 12.1-15.9 HCT 13.4% 46.6_34.3 MCV 88 77.8-98 TRANS FERRIN 234 mg/dL 192-382 SERUM IRON 273 mc/dL 55-185 FERRITIN 500 ng/mL 400-20
IN CBC there are pancytopenia Further anemia workup also revealed a vitamin B12 deficiency at 60 pg/mL (250–950), folate 7.26 ng/mL (5.9–24) NOTE: IN CBC there are pancytopenia IN BLOOD Film there are Anisocytosis and poikilocytosis AND see tear drop ,ovalocyte and schistocyte
Pernicious Anemia?? •Pernicious anemia is a in the body. It is one form of vitamin condition caused by too little vitamin B12 deficiency • Vitamin B12 helps the body make healthy red blood cells and helps keep nerve cells healthy. It is found in animal foods, including meat, fish, eggs, milk, and other dairy products. •Pernicious anemia is a type of macrocytic anemia. It’s sometimes called megaloblastic anemia because of the abnormally large size of the red blood cells produced.
symptoms Weakness Neurological Headaches Weight Loss Chest pain
What causes of Pernicious anemia? Lack of vitamin B12 P . Anemia Lack of IF
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