Daniel Pratt Elementary School 6th Grade Home of the Eagles!
Ms. Sheridan and Mrs. McCallister One Goal….Success!! It is our goal to provide educational experiences that increase students’ knowledge and skills in reading, mathematics, language arts, science, and social studies, realizing that all students come to us with different backgrounds of knowledge and varied styles of learning.
Parent Orientation Info. Welcome! Please sign in on the sheet outside my door if you have not done so. Each desk has a folder with information for you to fill out. Please take a few minutes to review the information inside. You may place completed forms on the table at the back of the room. Any forms you take with you to complete should be returned with your child Monday. PLEASE fill the Rolodex card out legibly and completely.
Lockers/INOW Lockers will be sold next Monday through Wednesday for $10 each. Students will pay the homeroom teacher and will receive their combinations usually the next school day from Mrs. Elswick. No Lockers will be shared by students at this time. INOW is $10 per family.
Lunch and Breakfast Information Student Lunches - $2.00 daily (visitors $3) Breakfast - $1.00 daily Extra Milk - $0.35 per day or $3.50 /ten day Please be sure you keep money in your child’s lunch account as there are no charges allowed. Decide with your child whether you allow extra items such as ice cream or flavored drinks to be purchased with their lunch money. Please remember PAYPAMS is available for you to use online. Ask Mrs. Pearson for details.
Medication Procedures Before any medication can be issued at school, you must fill out the Medical Authorization Form and return it signed BY YOUR PHYSICIAN to the school nurse. This applies to inhalers, Tylenol, cough drops, antibiotics, ADHD medications, etc. All medication should be kept in the nurse’s office and at no time should any student have any medication in their possession. Exceptions would be Epi-pens, rescue inhalers, etc. but there still must be a physician signed form on file.
Daily Procedures Please make every effort to get your child here on time daily. Please a have a rainy day plan in place that your child understands. Changes in transportation should be made in writing to the front office. No phone calls. The day after a child is absent, please send a written excuse (must be done within 3 days) in order for your child to make up missed work, tests, etc. PLEASE limit absences and tardies. We understand that some things are unavoidable.
Remind 101 Text @sheridand to 404 620-5099 Planning period is 8:00-8:30 each day as long as there is no meeting called. Please email me to schedule a conference.
Seeing Our Actions Rewarded (S.O.A.R.) Program
Math Curriculum Challenging, and hopefully, enjoyable Geared toward advancing your child’s mathematical thinking “Failure” is not only expected and accepted; it is essential for growth! Your child must be able to do the following things this year: Demonstrate mastery of basic facts and basic mental computations Develop a plan to solve problems Express his or her mathematical thinking associated with the plan Determine if the solution is reasonable 1/13/2019 10
Math Grades 50% Weekly grades to include daily grades and project based learning grades. Project based learning grades count twice. 50% Tests to include weekly tests, unit tests, and nine weeks tests. Unit and nine week tests count twice. 1/13/2019 11
Science and Social Studies Science is based on the ALCOS objectives for Earth and Space Science. AMSTI and a variety of instructional methods will be used to cover the objectives. Social Studies is based on the ALCOS objectives which take us from post Civil War to the present. A variety of instructional methods are used here also. *Current Events * Video Clips
Social Studies/Science Grades 60% Weekly grades to include daily and project based learning grades. Application/Project based learning grades count twice. Tests/Quizzes 1/13/2019 13
Helpful Information Please visit the school web page for updates and information. Be sure to sign up for “Notify me”. You will receive an email with updates. www.dpeseagles.com Get INOW!!!
Handbooks and Code of Conduct On the DPES website you will the handbook. dpeseagles.com The Code of Conduct is on the Autauga County Website at autaugacountyschool.org
Boxtops for Education PLEASE save all the Boxtops for Education and send them in. For every one we collect we are able to get $0.10 for our classroom supplies.