The “SE4JOBS” project: assessing global best practices for optimizing RE/EE Based socio-economic impacts in developing and emerging countries Dr. Steffen.


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Presentation transcript:

The “SE4JOBS” project: assessing global best practices for optimizing RE/EE Based socio-economic impacts in developing and emerging countries Dr. Steffen Erdle, Head of Project RE-ACTIVATE: «Promoting Employment through RE/EE in MENA» 1st SE4JOBS Expert Workshop Rabat, 25.03.2015

SE4JOBS in a Nutshell: What is it about? Examine more closely and systematically the nexus between RE/EE deployment and local socio-economic development Topical focus: identification of global “best practices” and success models, especially in developing and emerging countries, as regards the optimization of local employment/value creation via RE/EE Distinguish key variables and causal relationships that explain best the particular trajectories and ultimate success of the reference cases Serve as a source of inspiration and a point of reference to support policy debates and decision making in partner countries (plus to improve the work of intl. cooperation and technical assistance) 13/01/2019 First SE4JOBS Expert Workshop Rabat

SE4JOBS: A New Expert Platform launched by GIZ Launched in the 2nd half of 2014 by 5 GIZ Projects interested in the linkages between sustainable energy & socio-economic development: Regional Project RE-ACTIVATE Sector Project Sustainable Economic Development Sector Project Employment Promotion Sector Project Private Sector Promotion Sector Project Financial System Development Sector Project Technology Cooperation in the Energy Sector Regional Project DiaPol (Observer) 13/01/2019 First SE4JOBS Expert Workshop Rabat

Primary Interest / Guiding Questions of the SE4JOBS Project Why have some countries managed to position themselves success- fully in sustainable energy markets and generate over-proportional socio-economic benefits for their populations, especially in terms of employment and value added? And can these be considered durable? Which of the decision taken, and of the elements created, have been decisive in this respect? What are key factors to be considered from a best practice perspective (functionalist and/or institutionalist)? Can these approaches serve to inspire others? If yes, in which way could such a knowhow transfer be conceptualized and organized? Different framework conditions / context factors to be considered! 13/01/2019 First SE4JOBS Expert Workshop Rabat

Key assumptions / work hypotheses of the SE4JOBS Project Durable employment effects need functioning domestic markets in the respective technology field to trigger the necessary investments. Such markets rely on sound framework conditions that provide the necessary stimuli for market actors and correct market failure. Policy measures are needed to create these framework conditions; they must be adapted to the respective national circumstances (e.g. natural conditions, institutional settings, capacities, preferences). Requiring a strategy that connects the potentials & preferences of a society, organizes a roll-out pathway, and mobilizes the needed social support. Only an embedded approach leads to the desired outcomes. 13/01/2019 First SE4JOBS Expert Workshop Rabat

Technological scope / focus of the SE4JOBS Project Good practices are selected for the following technology fields, all of which have over-average employment effects for local target groups and all of which are of particular relevance for the MENA countries: RE: PV, wind power, small-scale hydro power, solar thermal (for heating & cooling), biomass (for electricity & heating) EE: energy efficient buildings, industry, and agriculture TBC: different options for waste to energy The exact focus will depend on the country cases, taking into account technological, financial and political developments at global level. 13/01/2019 First SE4JOBS Expert Workshop Rabat

Geographical scope / focus of the SE4JOBS Project “A-Countries”: having achieved large-scale local value and employment creation effects in a variety of technology / market segments: Brazil China, India, Mexico, South Africa, Turkey. “B-Countries”: often of smaller size, having achieved significant local value and employment creation effects in 1-3 technology / market segments: examples are Chile, Costa Rica, Malaysia, Vietnam. A pre-condition for being considered in the framework of SE4JOBS is that their socio-economic features and natural resource potentials are comparable to those prevailing in the MENA; geo-thermal energy, off-shore wind or bio-fuel production are therefore not included. 13/01/2019 First SE4JOBS Expert Workshop Rabat

What are the expected outcomes in general? The interdependencies and tradeoffs that exist between the various technology pathways and policy options are better understood. Such an improved understanding leads to more informed policy decisions. Complementarities and synergies can be recognized and harnessed more effectively and efficiently, incl. through a better cooperation of stakeholders, a better pooling of resources, and a better alignment and coordination (or integration) of sector policies and policy tools. The pace, scope, cost and quality of the roll-out of RE/EE in MENA (and in emerging/developing countries more generally) is supported. New possibilities of political participation and stakeholder inclusion are created, public acceptance and support for RE/EE are reinforced. 13/01/2019 First SE4JOBS Expert Workshop Rabat

What are the expected outcomes in particular? Strategic-conceptual and methodological advise and support for the design and implementation of appropriate and integrated strategy building, decision making and multi-stakeholder processes in MENA Practical-operational support for the preparation & implementation of policies & decisions via provision of relevant expertise & targeted input, plus capacity building services for selected local stakeholders Creating a new set of flexible and customized tools and formats of policy advice and technical assistance, in close consultation and cooperation with GIZ projects and partners on the ground 13/01/2019 First SE4JOBS Expert Workshop Rabat

What are the main steps along this way? Adoption of a common agenda and work plan, incl. definition of work packages, deliverables, milestones, and clear roles for all participants Creation of a clear analytical rooster, incl. a clear definition of key criteria (needed for the subsequent identification of reference cases) Disaggregation / modularization of the results of the analysis on the basis of identified causal relationships / success factors Design of a tool kit based on the results of the analysis (hand-/ guide- book for policy makers and practitioners, data set, expert pool…) In parallel identification of entry points / onboarding opportunities in MENA (+vice versa!) to facilitate the transfer / application of findings 13/01/2019 First SE4JOBS Expert Workshop Rabat