Refraction through a glass block: Refraction through a glass block: 13/01/2019 11/01/2004 Wave slows down and bends towards the normal due to entering a more dense medium Wave speeds up and bends away from the normal due to entering a less dense medium
Refraction through a glass block: Refraction through a glass block: 13/01/2019 11/01/2004 Wave slows down but is not bent, due to entering along the normal
Wave speeds up and bends away from the normal due to entering a 13/01/2019 11/01/2004 Wave speeds up and bends away from the normal due to entering a less dense medium Wave slows down and bends towards the normal due to entering a more dense medium
Refraction - at the air-glass boundary 13/01/2019 Refraction - at the air-glass boundary
Convex lens Focus Focal length Wave speeds up and bends away from 13/01/2019 11/01/2004 Convex lens Wave speeds up and bends away from the normal due to entering a less dense medium Focus Focal length
Words – speed up, water, air, bent, medium Refraction 13/01/2019 Refraction is when waves ____ __ or slow down due to travelling in a different _________. A medium is something that waves will travel through. In this case the light rays are slowed down by the water and are _____, causing the ruler to look odd. The two mediums in this example are ______ and _______. Words – speed up, water, air, bent, medium
Why does light change direction as it enters a material? 13/01/2019 In the muddy field the car slows down as there is more friction. If it enters the field at an angle then the front tyres hit the mud at different times. Tyre one hits the mud first and will move more slowly than tyre two.This causes the car to turn towards the normal. Tyre 1 Tyre2 Road Mud
Refraction : Effects of Refraction 13/01/2019 This ruler appears bent because the light from one end of the ruler has been refracted, but light from the other end has travelled in a straight line. Would the ruler appear more or less bent if the water was replaced with glass?
The Archer fish 13/01/2019 The Archer fish is a predator that shoots jets of water at insects near the surface of the water, say on a leaf. The fish does not aim at the refracted image it sees but at a location where it knows the prey to be. image of prey prey location
Wave diagrams 1) Reflection 2) Refraction 3) Refraction 4) Diffraction 13/01/2019 1) Reflection 2) Refraction 3) Refraction 4) Diffraction