4. 1. Import / Export of Waste 4.1 Import / Export of Waste State of play after the 2010 Working Group Meeting Preparatory Meeting for DIMESA 2010 11 March 2010 – Eurostat, Luxembourg Christian Heidorn
Policy need According to Article 1 (3, c) of Regulation 2150/2002/EC: The statistics shall cover …. after the pilot studies according to Article 5: import and export of waste for which no data is collected under Council Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 (now 1013/2006/EC) = Waste Shipment Regulation 4.1 Import / export of waste
Policy need Improve knowledge on the destination of waste Improve the link between statistics on waste generation and waste treatment Increase usability of waste statistics (for indicators, monitoring purposes…) Particularly important for countries lacking recycling capacities or importing large quantities for recovery/recycling 4.1 Import / export of waste
History Pilot studies on import and export of waste (2005 – 07) Discussions in waste statistics working group and task force (2005 – 2009) Report to Council and European Parliament (2008) Legal proposal discussed at DIMESA and SPC/ESSC meetings in 2009: Eurostat to revise the proposal 4.1 Import / export of waste
Main problems Member States have no adequate data source to compile statistics on import and export of waste Foreign trade statistics not suitable for several countries Lack of methodology 4.1 Import / export of waste
Extent of statistical requirements Current reporting matrix New reporting requirements Waste type NACE Total waste of which: waste exported waste imported 1 _..._ 19 20 Intra-EU Extra-EU 15 Metals 17 Glass 19 Paper 21 Plastics _....._ 47 48 Total Haz. XXX Non hz limit waste categories to maximal 10 4.1 Import / export of waste
Tour de table Simplification Task force Other proposals Restriction of waste categories Only extra EU shipments - exports and imports Task force To further elaborate the simplification options Advise on methodology studies Other proposals 4.1 Import / export of waste
Results All Countries (except one) confirm the political need 15 Countries would accept the Commission proposal, but 4 would need simplifications 7 Countries are not in a position to accept the legal proposal Only few Countries find the proposed simplifications useful and would opt for the full data collection 5 Countries stated that a workshop would be useful, more Countries supported this approach later in the discussions 4.1 Import / export of waste
Conclusions The Commission will continue to develop statistics on import and export of waste No new legal proposal in the short term Workshop in Autumn 2010 to prepare for … Voluntary data collections Note to Countries after Easter asking for participation and explanation of situation in Countries Countries who participate should ‘feel’ committed to go forward with pilot data collection Eurostat will investigate other data sources (e-PRTR, Annex 7 of Waste Shipment Regulation, … ?) 4.1 Import / export of waste
Thank you for your attention Christian.Heidorn@ec.europa.eu 4.1 Import / Export of Waste State of play after the 2010 Working Group Meeting Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit Christian.Heidorn@ec.europa.eu Thank you for your attention Christian.Heidorn@ec.europa.eu Merci de votre attention Christian.Heidorn@ec.europa.eu