Link to previous lessons…. Using what you know about the adrenal response in the nervous and endocrine systems, work in groups to brainstorm ideas to explain how a phobia might manifest in the body.
Starter… Watch the clip and answer the following questions. What part of the mind is responsible for the emotion of fear? What is the name of the glands that release adrenaline? Jackie fears Peaches– how does this fear affect her life? How does Jackie react when faced with a peach? How might we explain this?
What is a phobia? Do you have a phobia? If so, why do you think you have that particular phobia? What do you think are the most common phobias? 3
Learning Objectives ALL explain what is meant by a phobia MOST outline the emotional, behavioural and cognitive characteristics of phobias SOME consider the implications a phobia will have on an individual’s quality of life
Mental Disorders Last lesson we looked at how we diagnose…. Depression, phobias and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are three of the most common mental disorders. In 2009 in the UK: Phobias = 2.6% Depression = 2.6% OCD = 1.3% On the blog is an additional PP looking at the DSM V
Phobias A phobia is an anxiety disorder, which interferes with daily living. It is an instance of irrational fear that produces a conscious avoidance of the feared object or situation.
DSM-V marked and persistent fear of a specific object or situation exposure to the phobic stimulus nearly always produces a rapid anxiety response fear of the phobic object or situation is excessive the phobic stimulus is either avoided or responded to with great anxiety the phobic reactions interfere significantly with the individual’s working or social life, or he/she is very distressed about the phobia 6 months
Which phobias are most common? The 10 most commonly reported phobias in the UK, according to a survey by Anxiety UK, are: social phobia – fear of interacting with other people agoraphobia – fear of open public spaces emetophobia – fear of vomiting erythrophobia – fear of blushing driving phobia – fear of driving Hypochondria…fear of illness Aerophobia...fear of flying Arachnophobia…fear of spiders Zoophobia…fear of animals Claustrophobia…fear of confined spaces
What are the characteristics of phobias? Emotional Behavioural Cognitive What do you THINK about your feared object? How do you FEEL when you see your feared object? How do you BEHAVE when you see your feared object?
Emotional Behavioural Cognitive dread restlessness distorted perception anxiety hard to concentrate Persistent fear Irritable shortness of breath nausea shaking or trembling headaches and palpitations muscle tension avoid contact
TASKS Make a revision study template to remind yourself of the Watson and Rayner’s Little albert experiment. There are 3 types of phobias you need to be able to refer to.. Make notes on Specific Social Agoraphobia Using text books, answer questions on p139 Stretch and Challenge: plan / answer the exams questions on the next slide
Exam Questions Outline the emotional characteristics of phobias. (3 marks) Outline the behavioural characteristics of phobias. (3 marks) Outline the cognitive characteristics of phobias. (3 marks)