Focus -- Your Calling and Advocacy Research for Strategy Focus -- Your Calling and Advocacy Copyright © 2004 Orville Boyd Jenkins 1/13/2019
Strategy Understanding, Identifying (and classification – secondary) 1/13/2019
Strategy Understanding, Identifying (and classification – secondary) Relationships, Communication 1/13/2019
Strategy Understanding, Identifying (and classification – secondary) Relationships, Communication Language and More -- Worldview 1/13/2019
Strategy Understanding, Identifying (and classification – secondary) Relationships, Communication Language and More – Worldview Research discovers and organizes for Strategy 1/13/2019
Databases – storage and reporting Accomodating research findings in the database 1/13/2019
Databases – storage and reporting Accomodating research findings in the database Supporting Strategy for the Calling 1/13/2019
Databases – storage and reporting Accomodating research findings in the database Supporting Strategy for the Calling How to list for database conventions while accomodating the calling and strategy on the field 1/13/2019
Research for Strategy Approaches 1/13/2019
Advocate for a People Group We research as advocates 1/13/2019
Advocate for a People Group People = Ethno-Linguistic Group (ELG) 1/13/2019
Advocate for a People Group People = Ethno-Linguistic Group (ELG) EqnoV – Eqnh 1/13/2019
Advocate for a People Group People = Ethno-Linguistic Group (ELG) EqnoV – Eqnh nation/tribe/people/clan 1/13/2019
What is a People Group? What is a People Group Cities and Peoples Strategy Leader Resource Kit 1/13/2019
An Advocate must understand the people as they understand themselves, take their part, represent them. 1/13/2019
For An Advocate to understand the people as they understand themselves, The Advocate Must Discover their Worldview Discover Your Own Worldview to Compare 1/13/2019
People Profile – A common focus 1/13/2019
People Profile – A common focus A Summary Description of a People 1/13/2019
People Profile – A common focus A Summary Description of a People Represents the deeper worldview 1/13/2019
People Profile – A common focus A Summary Description of a People Represents the deeper worldview People Profile Template 1/13/2019
Research for Strategy == End == 1/13/2019