Fatal Equilibrium Project Contract Go through Return it Signed on…….. Honors Economics Fatal Equilibrium Project Contract Mrs. Wood Note: 1. This project will begin today and will be due by ______________________. a. Projects must be turned in by the assigned due date at the beginning of class. b. Penalties for late projects—not due to absent: If submitted after I have collected projects, during the class period, I will dock 20 POINTS. If submitted after class and by the beginning of class the next day, I will ½ credit. 2. All work will be your own; copied/plagiarized/ NO MLA Citation projects will receive a zero. 3. This project will be worth one project grade; grading will be based on a point system. 4. I will not accept unless it is typed! I have received the Economics project sheet and rubric and understand the penalties assessed. ___________________ __________ Student Signature Date __________________ __________ Parent Signature Date
PROJECT REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS MLA CITATION The Fatal Equilibrium Project Requirements: Read The Fatal Equilibrium, by Marshall Jevons. Successfully complete 4-weekly quizzes on assigned reading. Create an editorial commentary on the book. EDITORIAL COMMENTARY REQUIREMENTS: Follow MLA format.{ reference Media Center link to Perdue OWL} Include parenthetical citations and a Works Cited Page Include Rubric-stapled to back LABEL each section and answer EACH SECTION using complete sentences. Be very descriptive using economic terminology to answer questions and give examples from the novel to ensure credit. The project MUST be typed in 12 pt. Times New Roman font, DS SECTIONS: REQUIREMENTS MLA CITATION Blue Ridge Media Website Perdue OWL Illustrate paper and works cited
MLA PAPER CITATION Formatting The 1st page
Parenthetical citations Citing 3- examples from novel (Jevons 263)= Author last name and page reference would appear at the end of each example. Must be one Works Cited Page entry correlation
Works cited What to include on Works Cited Page: Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication. Sample of Works Cited Page Things to note about Works Cited Page { Center, Double Space, Left Margin, Indent}
RUBRIC Sections must be labeled: I. II. III. a. b. IV. a. a. c. VI. a. VII. a.
RUBRIC Sections must have a cited example: III. a. b. IV. a. VI. a. Use all handouts to make sure you have covered all requirements!!!!