Welcome to my hip operation …… All went very well, I did lose a lot of blood with the usual consequences for my blood pressure. But I did fine and 24 hours after the operation (on Thursday) I was walking up and down the corridor, supported by my Zimmerframe. A day later I walked with 2 crutches and crossed half the hospital. On Saturday I walked the stairs and on Sunday I walked with one crutch. Monday I went home and one week later, I walked without any support………. Today, February the 7th, I can walk 1,5 miles at once. Poor dog, she gets nearly tired!!! Ike, 07-02-2005 Welcome to my hip operation …… Januari 12, 2005 Hosptial Nij Smellinghe - Drachten All needed Equipment…………….. The brand new head of the femur…... The head of the Femur removed…... Ready to install the new head……. Almost finished………... Well done…….. Finished!!! Getting ready for the operation…. The new pin, ready to be installed…. Opening up…………………….. Scooping the hip………... Click here for next picture……