FAQ Presentation Instructions How to Export/Save Projected Scores from the TVAAS website FAQ TVAAS Slide 1 Presentation Instructions For Rosters of Groups of Students (A) You can use the right-arrow button to forward through the next 11 slides to see visual examples from the TVAAS website showing how to accomplish each step. (B) You can go directly to slide number 12 where I included all these steps in list format that you can review or print. For Looking Up Individual Students (C) You can go directly to slide number 13 where I included all a a visual display about individual student projections. (D) You can go directly slide number 14 where I included a list of instructions about finding individual student projections.
FAQ TVAAS Export/Save Your Students’ Projected Scores How to Export/Save Projected Scores from the TVAAS website FAQ TVAAS Slide 2 Source: TVAAS website as of June 2013 Title String: TVAAS, Reports, Export, Exported Files Export/Save Your Students’ Projected Scores (1) First log on to the TVAAS website Link: TVAAS Website Log In (2) In the blue menu bar at the top of the TVAAS webpage, select the "Export" option.
How to Export/Save Projected Scores from the TVAAS website FAQ TVAAS Slide 3 (3) Under "Export Options" select "Data"
How to Export/Save Projected Scores from the TVAAS website FAQ TVAAS Slide 4 (4) After the Data File Exporter window appears, locate and select the following report type, "Student Projections". Then click "Continue."
How to Export/Save Projected Scores from the TVAAS website FAQ TVAAS Slide 5 (5) The Data File Exporter window will update and reveal a list of data formats for exporting. Locate and select "xls" for (Excel 97-2003 workbook).
(6) Next scroll down and locate the Projection Groups box. Slide 6 (6) Next scroll down and locate the Projection Groups box. Within this box, select your current grade, test, and subject. Ex: An 8th grade science teacher would select 8th TCAP Science . (7) Click the "Submit Request" option at the bottom.
How to Export/Save Projected Scores from the TVAAS website FAQ TVAAS Slide 7 (8) If a confidentiality window appears, click "Ok".
How to Export/Save Projected Scores from the TVAAS website FAQ TVAAS Slide 8 (9) An Exported Files window should appear, and under the status column it will probably say "processing." Give it a minute or so to process your request.
How to Export/Save Projected Scores from the TVAAS website FAQ TVAAS Slide 9 (10) Then immediately beneath the Exported Files title, click on the "Refresh List" option.
How to Export/Save Projected Scores from the TVAAS website FAQ TVAAS Slide 10 (11) The Exported File window should update to reveal that your request is now ready for exporting. (12) In the File Name column, click on your file that you want to export. Save it to your computer as an Excel document.
FAQ TVAAS TVAAS will only store your export document for 14 days. How to Export/Save Projected Scores from the TVAAS website FAQ TVAAS Slide 11 TVAAS will only store your export document for 14 days. I suggest that you download it to your computer right away.
Slide 12 How to save your student's projected scores (1) Log on to the TVAAS website Link: https://tvaas.sas.com/ (2) In the blue menu bar located at the top, select the "Export" option. (3) Under "Export Options" select "Data" (4) After the Data File Exporter window appears, locate and select the following report type, "Student Projections". Then click "Continue." (5) The Data File Exporter window will update and reveal a list of data formats for exporting. Locate and select "xls" for (Excel 97-2003 workbook). (6) Scroll down and locate the Projection Groups box. Within this box, find and select your grade, test, and subject (Ex: 8th TCAP Science). (7) Click the "Submit Request" option at the bottom of the screen. (8) If a confidentiality window appears, click "Ok". (9) An Exported Files window should appear, and under the status column it will probably say "processing". Give it a minute or so to process your request. (10) Then immediately beneath the Exported Files title, locate and click the "Refresh List" option. (11) The Exported File window should update to reveal that your request is now ready for exporting. (12) In the File Name column, click on your file that you want to export. Then you can open it and save it to your computer as an Excel document. Note: All of these 12 steps should take no more than 5 minutes to complete. (13) Since the list will include all students for your grade level and test, you might want to go through it and delete out students taught by other teachers. (14) Also, you will notice that the report displays each student multiple times because it is predicting their likelihood of being either basic, proficient, and/or advanced. In other words it includes a separate entry for each of these achievement predictions. For growth/Teacher Effect Scores, you do not need these achievement predictions, so I suggest you go through and delete out the extra entries leaving only one predictions for each remaining student. It does not matter which one you leave, as long as it displayed the percentile projection. This will leave you with a list of your students showing their predicted percentile scores for the next test.
You Can Also View/Save TVAAS Student Projections Via Individual Student Reports. Slide 13 Report: Student Projection Report Student: John Doe 02 Projection: 8th TCAP Science Expressed in State %-tiles 99 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 01 2008 (3) TCAP 2009 (4) TCAP 2010 (5) TCAP 2011 (6) TCAP 2012 (7) TCAP TCAP (Sci) 81st percentile This student is projected to score in the 81st percentile. Projection: 8th TCAP Science Projected State Percentile 81 99.9% Probability of Success Basic Proficient Advanced 99.2% 55.1%
FAQ TVAAS You Can Also View/Save TVAAS Student How to Export/Save Projected Scores from the TVAAS website FAQ TVAAS Slide 14 You Can Also View/Save TVAAS Student Projections Via Individual Student Reports. Source: TVAAS website as of August 2013 Website String: 1) Log in to theTVAAS website, 2) Select the Reports tab 3) Future Academic Performance, 4) School (Single Grade) Future Academic Performance, 5) select the grade level, 6) select the test and subject, 7) select either advance, accelerate II, or accelerate I, 8) select a student's name, 9) select the subject, 10) select student reports, 11) select student projection reports