Sumerian Cuneiform Writing Ancient Egyptian picture symbols Greek Alphabet The Rosetta Stone Roman Alphabet
The writing is known as cuneiform writing The writing is known as cuneiform writing. It appeared during a time known as the Bronze Age. Cuneiform means ‘wedge shaped’ because the marks were made by pressing the triangular tip of a reed or stick into wet clay. The tool used to make the marks was called a stylus. Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show SAMPLE SLIDE The marks represented objects and ideas. symbol for ‘deity’ (a god or goddess)
Ancient Egyptian picture symbols (hieroglyphs) SAMPLE SLIDE Ancient Egyptian picture symbols (hieroglyphs) For thousands of years, people wrote without using any letters. Instead they drew pictures and made marks. As time went on, the pictures became symbols. There were thousands of symbols that could take years to learn. More than a thousand years later, no one could understand this ancient writing. Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show
The Rosetta Stone has been on display in the British Museum since 1802 Until the soldiers found it, no one had been able to read ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. That is why the Rosetta Stone is so important. SAMPLE SLIDE The Rosetta Stone has been on display in the British Museum since 1802 Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show
SAMPLE SLIDE We still use Roman numerals. Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show SAMPLE SLIDE If your back button doesn’t work……… to return to your last webpage CLICK HERE