Final Review Topics Chapter 4 SQL, Chapter 7 Relational-Database Design, Chapter 11 Storage and File Structure, Chapter 12 Indexing and Hashing, Chapter 15 Transactions, Chapter 16 Concurrency Control
SQL Emphasis on Aggregate Functions, Nested Subqueries, DB Modifications, and DDL
Relational Database Design First Normal Form and Preliminaries Why we need normalization? Functional Dependencies BCNF and 3NF Decompositions Desirable Properties of Decomposition Lossless Join Property Dependency Preserving Property
Storage, Indexing and Hashing Storage Considerations, why is that important? Ordered Indices B+-Tree B-Tree (Basic Concepts) Hashing, static & dynamic Index Definition in SQL
Transactions Meaning of a Transaction ACID Property Concurrent Execution Serializability & Conflict Serializability Testing for Serializability Recoverability (Basics)
Concurrency Control Lock-based Protocols Two-Phase Locking Tree Protocol Timestamp-based Protocol Deadlock Handling